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Buddies for Prop Protection - Printable Version

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Buddies for Prop Protection - Grub - Jan 15, 2018

ID: 5aae9b0b2252942443429682

Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default): default
Description:  Prop protection only allows you to give tool access to your friend, not physgun access. 1 Month ago simply resetting the buddies would allow you to give them physgun access again. It wasn't until two weeks ago, this no longer works.
Bug observed since: One Month ago, it was able to be fixed by removing people from your buddy list, then readding.
Images/Screenshots: N/A PaulB witnessed this bug.
Steps to Reproduce:

Have one single buddy. (Pay someone if you have to.)
Add them to your prop protection.
Notice they cannot pick up your item
Remove them/reset buddies.
Notice it still doesn't work. 
Give up and laugh at your friend trying to center a prop.

*NOTE* If for some reason you're able to make it work, it will break roughly 20 minutes later. Your buddy might have it, then the next, he won't.

- Limelight Gaming - Jan 15, 2018

Thank you for your bug-report, Grub!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.

RE: Buddies for Prop Protection - Woody Mac - Apr 9, 2018

I thought physgun buddies got disabled due to it being a abused.

RE: Buddies for Prop Protection - Grub - Apr 18, 2018

I sure hope not, it has more uses than bad. Ive adjusted my friends props, used my buddies props, and have had my props adjusted by my buddies.

RE: Buddies for Prop Protection - Woody Mac - Jul 10, 2018

It was disabled because you could use someone else's prop to prop kill/push someone causing them to be in trouble.

RE: Buddies for Prop Protection - Limelight Gaming - Feb 7, 2019

Ticket Status Updated

Changed from New to Confirmed

RE: Buddies for Prop Protection - Temar - Nov 20, 2019

so basically we need to log who had prop last also (generally last to hold is to blame)
and then this wont be an issue