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German laws - Tiny log - Printable Version

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German laws - Tiny log - Bunny_ - Jan 6, 2018

German laws - A log for people who feel curious enough to click on this thread

Hey there! In this thread i'll be posting recent lawchanged in the german law system or just funny law facts, in case anyone wondered or cared. Ill be starting off by explaining some facts about the german law system:


Verwarnungsgeld > (Fine for commiting a traffic offense under 60€ > If over: Bußgeld)
Bußgeld > (Fine for commiting an OWi (Administrative offense))
Geldstrafe > (Fine due to commiting a crime)
Freiheitsstrafe (Imprisonment for commiting a crime)
> Vergehen (Min. penalty under a year or fine possible)    > Verbrechen (Min penalty 1 year jailtime.)

Aufbau einer Straftat - Structure of a crime
All of those have to be present before someone can be punished for commiting a crime
Objektiver Tatbestand (Menschliche Handlung) - Human Acting and the check if this conflicts with any law
Subjektiver Tatbestand - Cases of Fahrlässigkeit - negligence - or Vorsatz - intent.
Rechtfertigungsgrund - Justification
 > Such as: § 30 StGB: Selfe-defense
Schuldausschließungsgrund - Justification. If you want to learn the difference between this and a Rechtfertigungsgrund, open the spoiler. Be advised, its written in german.
 > Such as: §19 StGB: Justification of being a Child. (Under 14 years old.)

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Kahjo - Jan 6, 2018

... probably only germanian people will be interested

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Bunny_ - Jan 6, 2018

Why its illegal to record ingame footage for every german citizen - To than upload it

The §201 StGB "Verletzung der Vertrauchlichkeit des Wortes" - Violation of the confidentiality of the word forbids the recording of all unpublicly spoken words. Since the german law is an "Auslegungsrecht", high courts can define specific words - in this case nichtöffentlich - non public. A court has defined that a word is not public, when its not meant to be directed at the general public. This would for example include the recording of Teamspeak talks. However, when you record someone talking ingame, that word is usually considered publicly spoken.

However, everyone has a "Persönlichkeitsrecht." This forbids the public usage of those recordings in public, including showing them to different persons privately without the recorded persons permissions. Since the Voice is included in the Persönlichkeitsrechts its a "Bildniss" according to the §22 KunstUrhG.

EDIT: I've forgot to mention that it doesnt matter if the recorded guy is foreign or not. The german law is a "Hoheitsrecht", meaning, crimes commited on german ground can be proscecuted.
Recent change of §244 StGB: Wohnungseinbruchdiebstahl (Burglaries)

This law has recently been changed to a Verbrechen.

NetzDG active since the 1st January of 2018

Read more about this here:

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Quest - Jan 6, 2018

(Jan 6, 2018, 07:17 PM)Kahjo Wrote: ... probably only germanian people will be interested

Nope, I'm British and I find this quite interesting

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Lord Octagon - Jan 6, 2018

The wfuejiwgwij is afiuwehwufhw to §48 eufheuiwhnv but only when fiuwvhwiufhui applies.

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Bunny_ - Jan 6, 2018

(Jan 6, 2018, 07:49 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: The wfuejiwgwij is afiuwehwufhw to §48 eufheuiwhnv but only when fiuwvhwiufhui applies.

Im sorry, i did my best to translate the german phrases. ^.~

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Bambo - Jan 6, 2018

I had German classes in high school, the teacher let me pass because I was exceptional in other classes. Why did you remind me of my failures? Now I have to binge watch Sherlock, Elementary to feel moderately smart again

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Nudel - Jan 6, 2018

Sollte ein Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegen, wird eine Straftat gerechtfertigt.

Beste Erklärung EU West

OT: Interessant! I did not know some of diese tbh.

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Bunny_ - Jan 6, 2018

(Jan 6, 2018, 08:21 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: Sollte ein Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegen, wird eine Straftat gerechtfertigt.

Beste Erklärung EU West

OT: Interessant! I did not know some of diese tbh.

Hey, a german explination:
Eine Rechtfertigung bedeutet, dass die betreffende Person, die den Objektiven und Subjektiven Tatbestand erfüllt, keine Straftat begeht, da er einen Rechtfertigungsgrund hat. Somit scheitert es an einem Rechtfertigungsgrund, und die Person begeht keine Straftat.

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Bunny_ - Jan 6, 2018

Self defense

In germany you can defend yourself against any kind of violence (which is also a crime) on your own if help of the "Obrigkeit" (police) is not achievable. Since insulting someone is counted as a form of violence, you can theoretically defend yourself from that using self defense.

This however doesnt mean that you can shoot someone to prevent someone insuting you, for example. A self defense always has to be "Verhältnismäßig", meaning using the least violent forms of action to get to achieve your aim.

This could for example mean, while someones insulting you, you can for example press your hand against his mouth. That would be covered by the self defense. (§32 StGB).

Oh, and before i forget it. You can only use self defense to protect or prevent a crime happening to you or another person, as its covered in Abs. II. Once its over, you cant do anything anymore, atleast legally speaking.

This means that you cannot defend yourself against any form of rightful violence coming from the police without committing a crime on your own. (§113 StGB Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte)

RE: German laws - Tiny log - yutgjctguc - Jan 7, 2018

(Jan 6, 2018, 08:29 PM)Luvbread Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:21 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: Sollte ein Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegen, wird eine Straftat gerechtfertigt.

Beste Erklärung EU West

OT: Interessant! I did not know some of diese tbh.

Hey, a german explination:
Eine Rechtfertigung bedeutet, dass die betreffende Person, die den Objektiven und Subjektiven Tatbestand erfüllt, keine Straftat begeht, da er einen Rechtfertigungsgrund hat. Somit scheitert es an einem Rechtfertigungsgrund, und die Person begeht keine Straftat.
Holy shit, are those even words.

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Nudel - Jan 7, 2018

(Jan 7, 2018, 02:54 PM)Vatipää Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:29 PM)Luvbread Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:21 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: Sollte ein Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegen, wird eine Straftat gerechtfertigt.

Beste Erklärung EU West

OT: Interessant! I did not know some of diese tbh.

Hey, a german explination:
Eine Rechtfertigung bedeutet, dass die betreffende Person, die den Objektiven und Subjektiven Tatbestand erfüllt, keine Straftat begeht, da er einen Rechtfertigungsgrund hat. Somit scheitert es an einem Rechtfertigungsgrund, und die Person begeht keine Straftat.
Holy shit, are those even words.

That is German.

RE: German laws - Tiny log - yutgjctguc - Jan 7, 2018

(Jan 7, 2018, 04:04 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote:
(Jan 7, 2018, 02:54 PM)Vatipää Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:29 PM)Luvbread Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:21 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: Sollte ein Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegen, wird eine Straftat gerechtfertigt.

Beste Erklärung EU West

OT: Interessant! I did not know some of diese tbh.

Hey, a german explination:
Eine Rechtfertigung bedeutet, dass die betreffende Person, die den Objektiven und Subjektiven Tatbestand erfüllt, keine Straftat begeht, da er einen Rechtfertigungsgrund hat. Somit scheitert es an einem Rechtfertigungsgrund, und die Person begeht keine Straftat.
Holy shit, are those even words.

That is German.
Keojfeo hfeufh seiuhfiu trwehui jwhet oiwhtwhuti8wito uwiout iowvjjgnhowurhgoi rwio Hamburg owjfoi jweiof jwioj wio Köln uhfsihqyughyefh ihifheiwu Frankfurt ipeijfifjioe io Deutsche Bahn jeeiowjreiowrjoiew

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Bunny_ - Jan 7, 2018

BGB - German Civil Laws  - A world for itself

Buying something in germany, atleasts legally speaking, is not exactly easy. There are alot of things to pay attention to.

For example: There is "Besitz" (Owning it) and "Eigentum" (legally owning it). There are some cases, where you cant be the "Eigentümer", so you dont legally own it, for example if you buy something stolen off someone else. (§935 BGB) This leads you not being allowed to use or sell it. And apart from that, some little things to mention like you're obliged to handle out the wares first and than get the money, and so on. All of that would be too much to explain in this chapter.

In general you can say, that every kind of "Eigentumsübergang", so selling, making a present, buying requires a contract - in most cases only verbally.

There are also such things as "Geschäftsfähigkeit":
0-7 ages old: Not being able to make any of those contracts at all.
7-18 ages old: Restricted permissions to make a contract.
18 and above: Unrestricted.

Now, this restricted permission you have when you are from 7 - 18 years old in germany is something quite interesting. You are not allowed to do any "buying contracts" without the allowance of your parents (or any other equal legal person) - the only expection being buying things with the money that has been given to you for your free use (pocket money). (§§ 106, 107-113 BGB)

This can lead to some absurd legal constructions:
Imagine this: You're a 14 year old buying an icecream cone. You eat it up, but than your parent comes along and tells you, that he was not OK with you buying that icecream cone as he did not give you permission to sign that verbal contract with the icecream store.

He can legally demand the money back from the icecream owner, as he should have made sure that the child had his parents permission as the contract has never existed without the parents consent, therefore the icecreamshop owner not having a right to own the money of the parent. The absurd part now: They dont have to return the icecream. Now think of this in a bigger dimension: You 16 year old son buy a Playstation: You play abit, than destroy it accidently. You may abuse this law by turning into the store, saying, that you never allowed your son to even do this contract, and demand the money back. The shop than has a right to get the Playstation back, if broken or not doesnt matter. (Contract never existed in the first place.) Thats one of the reasons why major electronic stores do not sell expensive hardware to people under 18 year old.

RE: German laws - Tiny log - Lord Octagon - Jan 7, 2018

(Jan 7, 2018, 06:09 PM)Vatipää Wrote:
(Jan 7, 2018, 04:04 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote:
(Jan 7, 2018, 02:54 PM)Vatipää Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:29 PM)Luvbread Wrote:
(Jan 6, 2018, 08:21 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: Sollte ein Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegen, wird eine Straftat gerechtfertigt.

Beste Erklärung EU West

OT: Interessant! I did not know some of diese tbh.

Hey, a german explination:
Eine Rechtfertigung bedeutet, dass die betreffende Person, die den Objektiven und Subjektiven Tatbestand erfüllt, keine Straftat begeht, da er einen Rechtfertigungsgrund hat. Somit scheitert es an einem Rechtfertigungsgrund, und die Person begeht keine Straftat.
Holy shit, are those even words.

That is German.
Keojfeo hfeufh seiuhfiu trwehui jwhet oiwhtwhuti8wito uwiout iowvjjgnhowurhgoi rwio Hamburg owjfoi jweiof jwioj wio Köln uhfsihqyughyefh ihifheiwu Frankfurt ipeijfifjioe io Deutsche Bahn jeeiowjreiowrjoiew

I don't think you can talk, mate. Your language is even more of a mess. At least German sounds and looks acceptable. Finnish is just something a bunch of European rejects pulled out of their ass. Finland is nothing more than ultra-communist-Swedish-Russia.