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Raid - Printable Version

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Raid - Toro PDX - Dec 12, 2017

[b]Name of Player:[/b] Joley

[b]SteamID: [/b] STEAM_0:0:43537847

[b]Server: [/b] City RP 2

[b]Time: [/b] (In UTC+0) 622

[b]Summary:[/b] Give us context and what rules they broke. Broke keypad rule we cant ram it unless we be gettin shot

[b]Evidence:[/b] this is the clip where u see i pointed out the keypad

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 12, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Toro PDX.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Raid - BlackDog - Dec 12, 2017

Do you have any more evidence than this? All youve provided is one picture of a keypad on what appears like it could be a gate? There are errors so it is hard to tell.

RE: Raid - Toro PDX - Dec 12, 2017

the error was a gate it was me and baananan raiding and he told me to take screen shots i couldnt take much because we were taken cover while shots were bein fired

RE: Raid - BlackDog - Dec 12, 2017

Thus far i dont see any evidence of any rule breaking?

The keypad you circled is on the opposite end of a bridge, which would no doubt put you into the line of fire.

Your current argument is like a keypad being across a parking lot, and your shot at while crossing the parking lot.

They havent built the area up to force you down a specific path, thats just the way the map is.

You have 24hrs to submit more evidence that backs your claims.

RE: Raid - Toro PDX - Dec 13, 2017

(Dec 12, 2017, 11:21 PM)BlackDog Wrote: Thus far i dont see any evidence of any rule breaking?

The keypad you circled is on the opposite end of a bridge, which would no doubt put you into the line of fire.

Your current argument is like a keypad being across a parking lot, and your shot at while crossing the parking lot.

They havent built the area up to force you down a specific path, thats just the way the map is.

You have 24hrs to submit more evidence that backs your claims.

RE: Raid - Toro PDX - Dec 13, 2017

this is the only one i got mostly
but the gate is a error

RE: Raid - BlackDog - Dec 13, 2017

Denied due to a lack of evidence