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Player Reports | jihad joe - Printable Version

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Player Reports | jihad joe - Zambie ^‿^ - Dec 11, 2017

Name of Player: Jihad Joe

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51383572

Server: Rockford.

Time: (In UTC+0) I believe around 12:30.

Summary: User robbed me for 500$ as a Corleone Member. After a quick rule check from @Doctor Internet, it was confirmed this wasn't allowed.

As quoted from Doctor Internet:
Quote:Doctor Internet said:

12:58 - [L²] Doctor Internet: They're high-class mobsters, not petty street criminals.


[Image: 38C26656B6AFA10B8FA6C74EEE7443DCC9246D08]

[Image: AD734F9E5200922B0F624C0DAAC515484203B15D]

Much appreciated.

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 11, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Zambie ^‿^.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Player Reports | jihad joe - Night - Dec 12, 2017

Player report approved.

Player jihad joe (STEAM_0:1:51383572) will receive a 2 and a half hour blacklist from Corleone and Weapons for violating rule 13.7, muggings shouldn't be committed by members of the Corleone family.

Thanks for the report.

[L²:M] Nightmare
Server Moderation Team