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PR: 26 - Printable Version

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PR: 26 - Vimpto - Dec 6, 2017

[b]Name of Player:[/b] [L²:M] 26

[b]SteamID: [/b] STEAM_0:1:115589925

[b]Server: [/b] rockford v2b

[b]Time: [/b] 17:40 British Time

[b]Summary:[/b] 3.6 - Going AFK for longer than 5minuites (10minuites) as a police officer and not
changing to citizen.

Although this is a minor rule it is still a rule breakage.

It is also unfair he is using the spot technically as the 'AFK' Job when it could be used by someone
who isn't going afk for longer than 5minuites.

My evidence isnt the clearest but it atleast shows him saying he is going AFK For 10minuites and him having
the job police officer still

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 6, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Vimpto.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR: 26 - Overlewd - Dec 6, 2017


Insufficient evidence.

Regardless, even with sufficient evidence, this would never result in any punishment - the rule is there to specify that staff members may remove you from your job slot if you are AFK for more than 5 minutes at their discretion, which is directly specified in the rule.

Also please use the Staff Reports section in the future when reporting staff members.