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PR: BLACKED.COM - Printable Version

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PR: BLACKED.COM - IsThisaNewFLRP? - Dec 1, 2017

Name of Player: BLACKED.COM and SrCraigo

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:160986248 (BLACKED.COM) STEAM_0:0:27356260 (SrCraigo

Server: V2B

Time: (In UTC+0) 6:22 PM PST

Summary: Accused Player (BLACKED.COM) is suspected of Killing a Citizen as a Gun Dealer for no apparent reason
Accused Player (BLACKED.COM) is suspected of Abusing PTE via Putting a car prop on my dead corpse just to crush it
Accused Player (SrCraigo) is suspected of Punchwhoring and stepping on a injured body to kill it

Evidence: Screenshots

[Image: TwtZQcL.jpg]

[Image: bRavIof.jpg]

[Image: zDrHRWc.jpg]

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 1, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, IsThisaNewFLRP?.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR: BLACKED.COM - Welker - Dec 1, 2017

Can attest to this continuing to happen on more than a few occasions 

RE: PR: BLACKED.COM - Night - Dec 1, 2017

Player report approved.

Player BLACKED.COM (STEAM_0:1:160986248) has been found in violation of of mass prop abuse, as well as RDM. I'll be issuing the player a two week's suspension for this as it's clear that he's not here to roleplay correctly.

As for SrCraigo (STEAM_0:0:27356260), I'm afraid there's insufficient evidence to suggest any wrongdoing from the accused. Please file a new PR for this player if you have further evidence.

Thank you for your report.

[L²:M] Nightmare,
Server Moderation Team.