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PR - Printable Version

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PR - Kahjo - Nov 30, 2017

Name of Player: emilb1997, Taze, [A-01] Shane

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:149751199, STEAM_0:1:155955391, STEAM_0:1:91322706

Server: Rockford

Time: (In UTC+0) All incidents: 11:30 - 13.00

Summary: Contrabanding in hospital which is considered a public building that is used for passiverp.

Evidence: From Shanes own livestrean, starting from 3minutes forward you can see all 3 persons contraband. @nightmare probably didn't notice this part of the last player report so I'll post it again.

- Limelight Gaming - Nov 30, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Kahjo.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR - Night - Dec 1, 2017

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I'll be extending Shane's ban by 3 hours, however I can't prove that Taze or Emil had contraband. I'm not watching a couple of hour's worth of livestream footage to dig through evidence.

Punishment for Shane is based off his interaction with contraband as shown in the above evidence.

Thanks for the report.

[L²:M] Nightmare
Server Moderation Team