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PR:[Aᴺ] Disastrous - Printable Version

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PR:[Aᴺ] Disastrous - MrMaaze - Nov 15, 2017

[b]Name of Player:[Aᴺ] Disastrous [/b]

[b]SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18012397 [/b]

[b]Server: Rockford/main City [/b]

[b]Time:In GER time : 13:12 [/b]

[b]Summary:So i was raiding Fealz / Vincent then we raided them there fealz broke fearp, then i said in ooc
Nice fearp fealz than Disatrous insulted me in OOC.[/b]


- Limelight Gaming - Nov 15, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Jackie123.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR:[Aᴺ] Disastrous - Disastrous - Nov 15, 2017

Where exactly do you see an insult?

RE: PR:[Aᴺ] Disastrous - Night - Nov 15, 2017

I'm not seeing any disrespect here. So far it's just Disastrous messing around in OOC.

Please provide further evidence within 24 hours or this will be denied.

RE: PR:[Aᴺ] Disastrous - Night - Nov 16, 2017

Thank you for your report.

As no further evidence was supplied, I cannot confirm that Disastrous was insulting in OOC. The pictures linked above only indicate that Disastrous was messing around in OOC, which is perfectly fine and well within our rules. Had it of stepped into the lines of harassment or disrespect then of course it'd be a different matter, but in this case, that hasn't happened.

As a result, this report will be denied and no punishment will be issued.

[L²:M] Nightmare
Server Moderation Team.