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Weed Seeds refund - Printable Version

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Weed Seeds refund - Slowkiller965 - Oct 30, 2017

Name: Slowkiller965
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101861762
Refund details: I had 5 weed pots filled with seeds and my game crashed...
Reason: My game crashed with reason Lua error what it did yesterday 5 times only on LL and now again and now my game crashed again and my seeds
are away...


RE: Weed Seeds refund - Night - Nov 15, 2017

From logs, it looks like you were being arrested at the time of your crash, thus the cops would of destroyed the weed anyhow. I'm afraid I won't be able to issue a refund for this.

I'll leave this open until Thursday evening in case you have anything else to add.

RE: Weed Seeds refund - Slowkiller965 - Nov 15, 2017

Well actually the cops came like half an hour after that... (atleast that´s what I still have in my mind)

RE: Weed Seeds refund - Night - Nov 15, 2017

Yep, you're right, sorry about that.

Refund granted for 5 weed seeds and will be processed when I next see you.

RE: Weed Seeds refund - Daley - Nov 22, 2017

@"Nightmare" processed refund

RE: Weed Seeds refund - Dick - Nov 22, 2017

Moved to Complete.