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[In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Printable Version

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[In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Dick - Oct 4, 2017

[Image: logoLLSummer.png?ver=5511]

Suggestion Type: [In-Game/Forums/Other]

Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Give players with Law Enforcement Passes handcuffs to allow them to do their duties.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
Much like with the Security Guard, upon re-spawn or receiving the pass, Players with LEO passes should recieve handcuffs that they can use in replacement of the Rope.

It is also a little weird for people to be tieing people up with rope instead of zipties or handcuffs.

RE: [In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Vimpto - Oct 4, 2017


RE: [In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Welker - Oct 5, 2017

I think zip ties would fit in with this well. But until we get them, this will do.

[In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Doctor Internet - Oct 23, 2017

Due to a high level of community support, this suggestion has been moved to the Popular section.

[In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Doctor Internet - Oct 27, 2017

Pushing for Staff Review.

[In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Doctor Internet - Dec 12, 2017


RE: [In-Game] Law Enforcement Handcuffs (Pass Edition) - Burnett - Dec 15, 2017


Once you are given the orange (LEO) pass, you will automatically receive handcuffs. Those handcuffs are part of your loadout, thus you will get them on every respawn.  As soon as the pass is being revoked or when switching teams, the cuffs will be gone (same with the loadout).