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A Quick Guide To: Passive Police Roleplay. - Printable Version

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A Quick Guide To: Passive Police Roleplay. - Sammijammi - Sep 18, 2017

Sammijammi’s Passive Roleplay Series.
Passive Police Roleplay

Contents of this guide;
  • [font=Arial]Introduction (1)[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Your Persona (2)
    - Section 2a | Your Equipment
    - Section 2b | Your Character[/font]

  • [font=Arial]Your Vehicle (3)[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Do’s & (4)[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Dont’s (5)[/font]
Section one: Introduction,

This guide is to give an additional insight to the many benefits of acting out a perfected Passive Police Roleplay. In short, this guide is an attempt at encouraging you to keep your pistol holstered unless absolutely necessary.
    To start off, one of the many benefits of becoming a Passive Police Officer (PPO) is the player interaction. Player interaction is what fuels Roleplay, contrary to popular belief. The second benefit of acting out a Passive Police Roleplay, is the speed of which everything occurs, sure, it’s no adrenaline rush, but when was the last time you took your hat off, placed it on a bench and watched everything unfold from a distance, I know your answer. When you’re up close and personal in someone's junk, you miss the key elements of their roleplay and fail to refine yours.

Section two: Your Persona,

2a) Your equipment will be the first thing you go for once you spawn, but remember, you aren’t out to be Trigger-Happy, grab yourself a Beanbag shotgun, Kevlar, First Aid kit and Vehicle Clamp, note - no pistol was selected, ensure that you bring something as a very last resort, a .44 Magnum should do. Once you’re equipped with weaponry and equipment, take off your kevlar and proceed to change your characters appearance, a standard blue uniform or white shirt, dependant on your superiors choice, equip ceramic and to finish, your police hat, not cap, HAT.
Position your shotgun on your chest and read on below

2b) Perfecting a character that universally works within all jobs in the city can be a grueling task, so when you begin to think up your character for your Passive Police Roleplay, be sure to include incredible detail, as perfected Police Roleplay Roleplay is considered ART.

A - Approachable
R - Reasoning
T - (Not) Trigger-Happy

A - Approachable; When thinking of your passive character, remember to ensure you’re always approachable. Giving people a reason to come up and engage with you, is a key element in performing well, you want Citizens to feel your presence and feel safe. Giving people a chance to Roleplay helps our Community to engage with one another, encouraging passive roleplays, just like yours.

R - Reasoning; This is the second most important rule to consider when starting your Roleplay. Going in with an open mind, allowing small fractures of laws, ensuring that your arrests are meaningful. A citizen that causes a public disturbance is not always a criminal, sometimes it’s just a cry for attention, one that you need not answer, fueling passive-aggressive Roleplay, instead, take a step back, equip your ‘hands and keys’ and use your words to encourage better behaviour, reasoning with someone tends to deter future problems arising.
    Of course your words may not be enough in some cases, so if an individual begins to get aroused at the sound of you telling them they’re being naughty, extend your baton, but keep on track of keeping the peace and use your voice. Your taser should always be your last resort in a situation that could develop into nothing more than a mouthy citizen.
    If the above does not work and your situation may escalate, call in additional support from a colleague and detain the individual, but ensure to always inform them, read their rights (Bind these, it’s easier) and await support, hand over your detained suspect to your colleague to transport, but ensure that you issue their warrant beforehand.

T - (Not) Trigger-Happy; This section is the most self-explanatory of all of the above. Your lethal weapon should only enter your palm if your life or another's is in absolute danger and you cannot devise a way that non-lethal detainment can occur. Always ensure you have questioned every possible outcome before selecting your lethal equipment and never go straight to your primary, attempt to discourage with your taser before switching to lethal means.
    Remember to call for support before firing your weapon, you will want witnesses on your side and you should attempt to inform your superior of the discharge of your firearm. If dispatch is available, inform and then act.

Section Three: Your Vehicle,

You could argue that your vehicle is your lifeline, it’s your transport, but with a passive roleplay, you do not need it, additional units will be available to collect your suspects and you will only be operating in the main downtown area. Your road becomes the sidewalk. Keep your vehicle at a suitable location in case of a hostage situation or terror threat, otherwise, if your PD is not short staffed, others will be available. Your vehicle should remain parked and you should only enter it if you’re moving you a new area to patrol on foot, to which you park and leave it there before continuing on foot.

Section Four: DO’s,
  • [font=Arial]Use your character's voice and intellect to solve and prevent situations.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Wear a hat.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Acknowledge everyone, a simple passing comment.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Report all actions to dispatch (If available)[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Keep your car parked[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Recruit a partner.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Be approachable[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Commit to your Roleplay.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]ALWAYS be reasonable (Unless laws decree otherwise)[/font]
Section Five: DON'Ts,
  • [font=Arial]Use your weapon unless absolutely necessary.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Use closed questions.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Run unless chasing a perp.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Jaywalk.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Use lethal force unless needed.[/font]
  • [font=Arial]Transport your own perps.[/font]
Passive Police Roleplay is a difficult one to master and if you can do this, you can do any roleplay you set your mind to.

RE: A Quick Guide To: Passive Police Roleplay. - Soviethooves - Sep 19, 2017

"Section Five: DON'Ts"

"Use your weapons unless absolutely necessary"

Might wanna move that to DO's.

Other than that it's pretty solid, but the leaving your vehicle parked is a risky move seeing as in LL, there is a raid or robbery every five minutes.

RE: A Quick Guide To: Passive Police Roleplay. - 26' - Sep 19, 2017

I mean North American/American cops use their vehicles almost all the time, its exactly that "Your lifeline" May be different in different countries but considering the vehicles being American, it's only safe to assume that's what we are trying to portray the cops as on LL. Don't get me wrong, I know there is such thing as foot patrol, but 90% of the time it's cops in cruisers. Just my input.

RE: A Quick Guide To: Passive Police Roleplay. - Wesley Lawrence - Sep 20, 2017

Definitely a few things of truth in there, but I wouldn't say I agree with all of them. Plus, the comment @26' made is definitely correct.

A good guide for starters either way.

RE: A Quick Guide To: Passive Police Roleplay. - Hungames - Sep 21, 2017

The most "on foot" cops around me are just on bicycles. Don't really see any foot patrols unless you go to big cities where they have enough people to respond to all calls.