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Change the Prius Description - Printable Version

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Change the Prius Description - Stomm - Sep 2, 2017

For: In-Game

Suggestion: Change the description of the Toyota Prius to something accurate.

Why?: While Safira did a great job with the descriptions for things, she got the Toyota Prius so very, very wrong.
[Image: wyxAyvc.png]
For starters, a "hybro-electric car" means just as much as a "vroomygogo-gasoline car". It's nonsense. In addition, the Prius we have ingame is from the 2010-2011 model year of the Prius, as the 2012s and on had noticeably different front bumpers and taillights. This is important because the Plug-In version was not offered until 2012, therefore the part about no docking stations to charge it is irrelevant, made even more so by more recent updates that added charging stations. Since most of the description was wrong from the get-go, and even more of it is wrong now, I propose changing it.

Here is my version of a description for it:

Go green with this gas-electric hybrid! While its performance leaves a little (a lot) to be desired, focus on the positive: You're getting better gas mileage than most other people, and that makes you better. Be sure to tell them.

RE: Change the Prius Description - monk - Sep 3, 2017

In my opinion most item descriptions are kinda silly and focus more on trying to be entertaining (and, again in my opinion, failing) instead of describing the object.

That being said I don't know anything about Priuses (such as if that's even the correct form of pluralization; Priusi, perchance?) so I'm going to +Support this with zero fact-checking and source-examining and regurgitate it to others while citing my source as "a book I once read back in '92" and just go from there.

EDIT: Also, nice rigged poll, pal.

RE: Change the Prius Description - Stomm - Sep 4, 2017

For the record, I am not saying my proposed description would be the one to add, that was just an example. I just want one with a bit of accurate facts and some humor injected

RE: Change the Prius Description - Doctor Internet - Sep 4, 2017

Minor Change - Approved.

RE: Change the Prius Description - Doctor Internet - Sep 4, 2017

Changed in Revision 4750.
Marking as finished.