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pr - The Whiskey Wolf - Jul 15, 2017

Name of Player: BRODDA

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5302861

Server: regular rp server

Time: (In UTC+0) cant remember

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. I got a call of an evading Nissan skyline we block off the industrial and we begin getting fired upon by a automatic weapon we rush the vhicles and shoot the suspect dead turns out he's a docter

Evidence: currently uploading evidnece

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 15, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, LONEWOLFGAMER6.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: pr - Soviethooves - Jul 15, 2017

Was he being fired upon or was he firing at you?

RE: pr - The Whiskey Wolf - Jul 15, 2017

he shot first also here is the evidence

RE: pr - The Whiskey Wolf - Jul 15, 2017

RE: pr - Daley - Aug 1, 2017

The evidence has been reviewed and the accused user has been found guilty of breaking the following rule(s):

2.1f Do not run into or loiter around extremely dangerous or life-threatening situations, such as a fire or raid, as a citizen or someone without
the appropriate job.
2.5 Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). This includes things such as anti-gravity bathtubs, unrealistic car colours,
watermelon fights, etc. when there is no specific roleplay in which they would make sense (i.e. game shows or science roleplays).

The user will be issued a blacklist, and a suspension.

Thank you for your report @LONEWOLFGAMER