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Unban request - John2240 - Printable Version

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Unban request - John2240 - SkillzModzFb - Jul 11, 2017

Your Name: 

Ban ID:5682

Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.
[L²:M] Toxic
Eu limelight semi serious
Ban Reason:
FearRP violations, refusing to cooperate during staff situation, insulting other players and staff during sit
Why should you be unbanned?: 
Yes what i did was out of order, but i was not in the best moods after hearing news about my dad in hospital, yes i know thats not an excuse for my actions but i never intended to insult staff/players. I have anger issues and can not control them yes i also know that this aint an excuse either but i would just like another chance to just be allowed back on the server sooner and prove im not who i was tonight. I am sorry to the staff member i insulted but i did not intend but instead i let it happen and it was a stupid mistake by doing so. Some people might like me on the server and some might not but i get along with everyone and treat them with respect because thats the person i am, but tonight was just plain stupid and will never happen again and that's a promise.

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 11, 2017

The staff-members have received your unban-request, John(SMTL).

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unban request - John2240 - Toxic - Jul 11, 2017

Do not post an unban request if:

- You know you broke the rules
- You aren't the one who is banned (if a player is forum-banned, they may elect a spokesperson to post their   appeal
- You have not waited the required time before posting a second UBR (see below)

When you join our servers, you are agreeing to abide by the server's rules. If you felt angry or upset at the time, the better option might've been to simply stay off of the server, due to the possibility of you taking out your emotions on other people. I am sorry for your circumstances, but you did indeed violate the rules 1.3 and 2.1, and continued to do so on top of refusing to listen to me throughout the sit, and you were issued a suspension accordingly. Do you have anything else you wish to add to this?

RE: Unban request - John2240 - SkillzModzFb - Jul 11, 2017

Yes i did indeed break rules, i am not denying that fact but i am asking to for a chance to back on early as i am not the person who i was last night, i never insult staff/players but last night was not who i truly was and i want to prove that you by letting me back on the server and keep within reason.

RE: Unban request - John2240 - SkillzModzFb - Jul 11, 2017

Look when can this be resolved cos i want to prove am i not the person who i was last night, i am sorry for insulting anyone involved but i want to turn that around and prove i am not that person

RE: Unban request - John2240 - Toxic - Jul 12, 2017

Appeal reviewed and denied, user was found in violation of server rules 1.3 and 2.1. It's a 3 day ban which you received for violating the rules; you're held accountable for your actions, regardless of your state of mind. You'll be able to wait it out if you want to get back on the server.

RE: Unban request - John2240 - Enzyme - Jul 12, 2017
