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Unblacklist - Printable Version

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Unblacklist - ICEKILLER_99 - Jul 6, 2017

[b]Your Name:ICEKILLER_99 [/b] 

[b]Issued by:[/b] [L²:M] Nightmare

[b]Blacklist ID:[/b] 71875


[b]Why should you be unblacklisted?:[/b] I don't see why I'm blacklisted from weapons as I only selfsupplied ammo.

[b]Evidence:[/b] None

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 6, 2017

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, ICEKILLER_99.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unblacklist - Night - Jul 6, 2017

Hey there @ICEKILLER_99 and thank you for your UBLR.

I had confirmed your punishment with another staff member prior to issuing this, who had agreed that considering your experience on the server, you ought to know better than to self supply. I issued both the blacklist from gundealer and the blacklist from weapons as the ammo tied in directly to weapons, thus your access to that should also be limited.

Please let me know if you have further concerns or questions.

RE: Unblacklist - Bambo - Jul 6, 2017

Hello @ICEKILLER_99 ,

@"Nightmare" confirmed your punishment with me regarding this situation, and I agreed to him also issuing a weapons blacklist on the basis that;

You have enough experience to know that self-supplying is against the rules.
There was another Gun Dealer on yet you didn't like his price so you joined and self-supplied.
The gun dealer, tied to weaponary, and tied to the ammo that you manufactured.

Considering these and considering 2 hour gun dealer blacklist wouldn't help you realize the situation and learn from it as you got what you already needed, a weapons blacklist was also issued. It is in my eyes completely valid.

RE: Unblacklist - Night - Jul 7, 2017


If you still intend to appeal this, then please provide further input to this.

RE: Unblacklist - ICEKILLER_99 - Jul 9, 2017

no thanks

RE: Unblacklist - Night - Jul 9, 2017

UBLR request denied.

Closing notes:

As discussed both in-game with you at the time of punishment as well as now, the weapons blacklist you reference was also issued so you could learn from this, as the rulebreak was very blatant and with your experience it's expected of you to know better than this.

Thank you for your time.

RE: Unblacklist - Overlewd - Jul 9, 2017

Moved to denied and closed.