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PR: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth - Printable Version

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PR: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth - Berries - Jun 15, 2017

Name of Player: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114658646, STEAM_0:1:120717571, STEAM_0:0:117839045

Server: EU

Time: 16:26

Summary: (8.1) - Hostaging without validRP reason ("Because we're gonna rob/mug you"); (16.2) - Demanding more than 500$ (2.000$) when robbing/mugging; (FailRP) - robbing/mugging as Corleone


- Limelight Gaming - Jun 15, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Berries.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth - Barkles - Jun 16, 2017

Users have 24 hours to respond to this PR with a reason

I have my own view on it but would like the accused to answer first if possible

RE: PR: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth - Brynn - Jul 1, 2017

All those involved have had long enough to respond.

This player report will be approved.

All the three players will receive a 1 day ban for having an invalid reason to hostage you, along with FailRP (robbing as Corleone).