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PR on Phillipp23 - Printable Version

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PR on Phillipp23 - Venom - Jun 5, 2017

Name of Player: Phillipp23

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:127249666

Server: Only one

Time: (In UTC+0) 7:02 PM

Summary: D/Ced to avoid arrest. He reconnected right after as you can see at the last second in the video.


- Limelight Gaming - Jun 5, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Venom.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR on Phillipp23 - Soviethooves - Jun 6, 2017


Closing Notes: Evidence deemed sufficient in showing acused D/Cing to avoid arrest.

Player will be given a 1 Day Suspension