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Ownagesrule - Printable Version

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Ownagesrule - Kahjo - May 30, 2017

Name of Player: Ownagesrule

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:44498628

Server:  V4B1

Time: (In UTC+0) 20:25?

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. FearRP, Propclimbing over the fence.    He has already 14bans on record...


- Limelight Gaming - May 30, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Kahjo.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Ownagesrule - Kahjo - May 30, 2017

10min and uploaded.

RE: Ownagesrule - ownagesrule - May 30, 2017

I wasn't breaking FearRP you had it pointed at me the whole time and only said put your hands up not put your hands up or ill shoot second of all i didn't propclimb I just had a prop there didn't even climb over the fence i would have made it further if I would run off to industrial anyway if i wanted to flee third point why did you put a song on your video think this is funny?

RE: Ownagesrule - Kahjo - May 30, 2017

(May 30, 2017, 10:10 PM)ownagesrule Wrote: I wasn't breaking FearRP you had it pointed at me the whole time and only said put your hands up not put your hands up or ill shoot second of all i didn't propclimb I just had a prop there didn't even climb over the fence i would have made it further if I would run off to industrial anyway if i wanted to flee third point why did you put a song on your video think this is funny?

I can remove the song aswell, and you say you weren't breaking fearrp, even if I told you SEVERAL TIMES To put your handsup. Then you closed the door on me and ran off. Well from where did you then get to the other side of the fence? You didn't have time to run from the road to the fence, as I came quickly unstuck of the door and ran to check the side first and didn't see you running there, when I checked other side you were there with a prop, my guess was that you tried to climb up on the fence then on the roof of the warehouse that I would not see you. Now you threatened me that you were recording me, when I pointed a shotgun at you, if you really got it recorded, please upload it in that case, and prove to me that you were not propclimbing. Thank you.

RE: Ownagesrule - Overlewd - May 30, 2017


Blatant FearRP violation shown here.

Note on last unban of Ownagesrule: "[UNBAN NOTE: Any rule violations until 11/08/17 will lead to permaban.]"
Permaban reinstated.