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Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Printable Version

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Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Fly - May 11, 2017

Your Name: @Maniac - Elected @"Octave"  as Spokesperson for Unban Appeal

Ban ID: 3953

Banned by: [L²] @Brynn 

Ban Reason: Leaking

Why should you be unbanned?:

Please note that this is only a post written from the perspective of Maniac, and any other details he has shared with me using the Steam Chat. 
I will attempt at staying as subjective on the matter as possible.

Accusations against Maniac simply does not balance out the time of ban he received, and he believes it is a matter of mutual respect - a very important part of the staff experience.

First Accusation: Leaking
Resumé of what Maniac explained to me:

Quote:Maniac did not leak any data that was not publicly accessible, ergo, he leaked information anyone on the forum had available therefore not information that was secret. To follow up regarding this, Maniac did not leak any information that was worrying or harmful by definition - he explained that the data he shared was only kik chats and forum posts. 

According to Maniac, he found the information (I imagine he must have thought it humorous) and shared it with @Brax who then responded that what he did was wrong. Brax promptly went to the staff and explained the matter to them, only to have Maniac banned for leaking.

By definition, leaking is:
a disclosure of secret, especially official, information, as to the newsmedia, by an unnamed source.

From what I can understand, Maniac signed a confidentality agreement, so that he would not leak any information. According to the definition of leaking, Maniac did never "leak" anything, and therefore the original ban reason does not seem valid.

Potential Second Accusation: Disrespect towards Staff
As explained by Maniac, he insulted the staff several times using Steam, and has a very big issue with Brynn.
Maniac explained to me that Brynn attempted to solve the issue (of respect) with him, only to approach him with unnecessary pseudo-pedagogy for the purpose of screenshotting his professionalism. Maniac believes that Brynn is a good person, but that he does not work out issues in a respectful or personal manner; something that is required when trying to work out these conflicts.

Maniac is willing to apologize for the disrespect he has displayed towards the staff team, and is in hope that he can gain proper mutual respect with the team again. He is also requesting that this post is not denied before he, the staff and brax has had a chance to successfully clarify their experience regarding this whole mess.


We are interested in staying as honest as possible, both from Maniac's side and the staff teams side.

Regarding the confidentiality agreement:
Quote:Maniac: I made the agreement with Enzyme
Maniac: not brynn

Maniac did indeed show destructive behaviour on the forums, in form as shit-posting despite several warnings from @George and a few other staff members. According to him, this including the "leaking" should be unrelated to the serverban.

Again, Maniac is willing to attempt regaining respect with the staff team, even if this does not mean an unban from the server.

- Limelight Gaming - May 11, 2017

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Octave.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Fly - May 11, 2017

Updated #0 with 2 edits.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Enzyme - May 11, 2017

If Maniac wishes to appeal his ban, then I suggest that he writes his own UBR and replies instead of having you do it. Questions and comments in this case will be directed to him, and not you Octave. You're welcome to relay his posts, but he is to answer and write for himself. You don't know the details and facts in this case so I ask you remain out of it.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Fly - May 11, 2017

(May 11, 2017, 07:42 PM)Enzyme Wrote: If Maniac wishes to appeal his ban, then I suggest that he writes his own UBR and replies instead of having you do it. Questions and comments in this case will be directed to him, and not you Octave. You're welcome to relay his posts, but he is to answer and write for himself. You don't know the details and facts in this case so I ask you remain out of it.

I wrote this UBR together with Maniac, and it's only a way to start a discussion. We just wanted to create a post, the involved could contribute with their statements to. All future replies will be from Maniac himself.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Enzyme - May 11, 2017

I still ask that he writes the UBR himself and that you'll play no part in this case except for relaying what he says.

What do you wish to accomplish here Maniac? Unban on forum, in-game or both? You also talk about the ban time being unfair and you mention mutual respect, but why would we unban you after all the disrespect you've shown us and the rules we enforce?

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Fly - May 11, 2017

Quote:What's up guys it's ya boy Maniac here,

There's literally no evidence to back up the beforementioned statements so all I can do is get on my knees and beg for forgiveness.
I "leaked" some forum posts and kik chats which led to my demotion, even though they were accessible to the average user. I made an agreement with Enzyme to not leak my "Demotion portfolio", which however I technically did. But as I said they were public posts so not anything of top secret value was lost.

And about the staff disrespect, I suggest everyone to just stop being butthurt about big meanie maniac and his criticism from mid 2016. Forgive and forget.

my name jeff


RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Fly - May 11, 2017


You are replying to a hidden post atm which neither Maniac or me can access.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Brynn - May 11, 2017

They're hidden posts.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Barkles - May 11, 2017

(May 11, 2017, 09:00 PM)Octave Wrote:
Quote:What's up guys it's ya boy Maniac here,

There's literally no evidence to back up the beforementioned statements so all I can do is get on my knees and beg for forgiveness.
I "leaked" some forum posts and kik chats which led to my demotion, even though they were accessible to the average user. I made an agreement with Enzyme to not leak my "Demotion portfolio", which however I technically did. But as I said they were public posts so not anything of top secret value was lost.

And about the staff disrespect, I suggest everyone to just stop being butthurt about big meanie maniac and his criticism from mid 2016. Forgive and forget.

my name jeff


If you ever want a chance of coming back maniac I suggest you at least have decency to show you're not the same person we demoted/banned last year and write something sensible.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Fly - May 12, 2017

Quote: I wrote that previous paragraph with noticable mental disability to prove it was actually Maniac who wrote it.

In all seriousness, what I said about the public posts being leaked is still true. Nothing which was secret was leaked at all. I did criticise staffmembers for their pseudo-professional behaviour, and how their ranks had changed their personality for the worse. This however was back in August/september(??) last year. My personality surely hasn't changed, but my ways of doing have. All it requires for me to prove it is another chance. I do also think it's odd that after I was demoted, the entire staffteam acted like they didn't even know me, with one exception. It's like I was exiled from the entire community, just because I lost my rank due to some internal conflicts. I felt like I was being treated like shit, so naturally I did the same back.

All of that is in the past. Forgive and forget.

Edit requested by Maniac.

RE: Maniac's Unban Appeal (AS OF 11-05-2017) - Enzyme - May 12, 2017

Reviewed and concluded.

After some discussion with involving other staff-members, the conclusion to this case is that the ban(s) will remain as they are now.
Leaking is something that we're very strict about and you made me a promise that you decided to break. You've leaked information that was meant for staff-only, and your behaviour after your demotion has been unacceptable where you've insulted staffmembers, broken multiple forum-rules and ignored multiple forum-warnings, used VPNs to bypass your ban on TS, and it appears that you have no regret regarding your previous actions. You've also been unserious and unprofessional in this thread on purpose and it shows that your attitude hasn't changed since last when we had to deal with you.

We see no reason to unban you either ingame, on the forum or on TS.

Octave, I'm also asking that you do not make UBRs for players in the future as you did in this case. If a player wishes to make an UBR then they should do so at their own will with their own words. Posting an UBR for someone with a forum-ban is one thing, but making it for them and acting as a spokesperson or lawyer is not what we wish for in an UBR case.
