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Zona's 2nd Unban Request - Printable Version

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Zona's 2nd Unban Request - Zona - Apr 10, 2017

Ban ID:

Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.

[L²] Enzyme


All - Global

Ban Reason:

TOS - Hosting our content on a different server/community without permission.

Why should you be unbanned?:

Hey Again!

Three months has gone now and i really miss LL to be honest. I really had some great time on the servers and i made some huge improvements since New Year. I earned 8 REP's on 8 days because i showed another side of me and not the minge side. Ofc everybody got two sides but many manage to only show the serious side f.example: Teachers, Admins and other players. I was kicked off the contributor team after the FearRP ban, so as i already said, i want to code so, i wanted to show myself that i'm good coder and helped a very small and new community with coding. I made s workshop Collection with Limelights server content and that was a huge mistake i took. If i could travel back in then i wouldnt do it at all. I really didnt know it was allowed.

But i'm gonna take full responsibility for my actions so why i'm posting this unban request is because all i want is one last chance. To make it up. My record is huge but i didnt really think of my record before May, last year. I'm here to RP and meet People from the hole world and make a better and friendly community. So all i'm asking for is one more chance to show off.



- Limelight Gaming - Apr 10, 2017

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Zona.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Zona's 2nd Unban Request - Enzyme - Apr 11, 2017

Quote:Bantime over 1 year - You are allowed to post an unban request 3 months after the first denial, then every 8 months after the previous unban denials.

This is your first UBR for this ban:
This UBR was concluded March 1 2017.

You've failed to follow the Courthouse rules, the same rules I informed you of when we spoke over PM March 28 2017.
This means that your UBR will be instantly denied for failure to follow the Courthouse rules.