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unban request - Printable Version

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unban request - Macauley1999 - Apr 10, 2017

 Your Name: Macca

Ban ID:[b]STEAM_0:0:116887885[/b]

Banned by: Please include the[L²:M] Bambo

Server: Limelight city rp 2

Ban Reason: killing president as swat member

Why should you be unbanned?: i share a computer with my younger brother but i play limelight on my own and i told him alot of times not to go on the game if he does not know the rules but obviously he didnt listen and has gone on the game and as the president has stole the swat vehicle he didnt know what to do so he shot the car to break it not knowing he can kill him i am really sorry for what he has done and i am willing apoligise to the admin and the player he shot and this will never happen again i have been banned before but it was my last chance and since then i have been clean and tried my hardest to follow all the rules and roleplay as good as i can also in the procedure buy membership and moneypacks cause i enjoy it so much thank you for reading get back asap :| Huh


- Limelight Gaming - Apr 10, 2017

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Macauley1999.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: unban request - Bambo - Apr 10, 2017

I told you during our conversation that your account is your responsibility.

Also seen you/your brother shoot at the president's vehicle earlier when he was in the vehicle and when he wasn't in the vehicle and he was demoted for it as well.

If you believe someone broke the rules, you don't solve it by breaking them too. You should've used @ when / if the president stole your vehicle.

RE: unban request - Enzyme - Apr 10, 2017

As Bambo said, if it's your account then it's your responsibility.

You'd be surprised how often we hear that "It was my brother on my PC" and I'm afraid that I'm not buying it nor would it be a valid excuse to begin with. If you wish to appeal the ban then I'd start being honest as that increases your odds significantly.

RE: unban request - Bambo - Apr 10, 2017

I'd also like to point out a couple of things about your brother playing.

1- "Your brother" sounded exactly like you.
2- "Your brother" stopped using his mic when he used it throughout his playtime as he started saying that he was your brother
3- When I told "him" that he sounded like you meaning, Macca, you came and started using the mic in a short amount of time.

RE: unban request - Macauley1999 - Apr 10, 2017

when i found out he was getting took into an admin sit i went straight to the computer and of course we are going to sound alike after all we are twins and share the same pc as his name in steam is declan and mine is macca and if u would like photo evidence of this i could provide you a pic of this you might of heard ooo it was my brother alot but that dosent mean that other people who are telling the truth should get the same treatment as them all im saying i am really sorry for what he has done and fair enough if u dont want to unban me but all i am saying since my last ban was my last chance i have been following the rules and not had any other bans since then and i have donated alot cause i knew i wasnt gonna get myself banned !

RE: unban request - akne - Apr 10, 2017

He's not lying about sharing a PC with his brother, I was in discord with his brother earlier and he was asking me what to do in certain situations in regards of fearRP and such and I left to play something else.

They sound nothing alike if you hear them both speak together, Macca can't get to his PC at the minute and forums won't scale on his phone properly and has asked me to ask if it's possible he can take this to Teamspeak/Skype to explain it better so you can see they are separate people.

For what it's worth.

RE: unban request - Enzyme - Apr 10, 2017

Brother or not, your account is still your responsibility and it was this account that broke the rules which is why this account is also banned.
I'm afraid that you were on your last and that you'll therefore receive a permanent ban.

You claim that you've been following the rules since you were issued your last chance but you have a blacklist for RDM that proves your statement wrong.

Reviewed and concluded,