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LL News #4 | The shit police force - Printable Version

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LL News #4 | The shit police force - Zyth - Apr 4, 2017

So here I am in my Ferrari driving along...
I get to a straight bit of road, so I'm like yeah let's put a bit of power on this. Well a police officer was behind me but that's alright because I wasn't speeding, I was going at 55 which is the speed limit (+ there is a 10% leeway equating to 60MPH) and the lights come on -_- I'm like wtf. So I pull over as any nice person would. Me in a pissed off state say "Oi, why did u pull me over :c", the officer inside his car screamed to get out, he is still driving at this point, so I floor it, and oh mann the ferraris performance was amazing, there were a multitude of cop cars going my way and head on, I managed to evade them all and as I was coming into the city BAM! Some fucking sciency dickhead out of nowhere makes blocks float and the blocks whack into my car destroying it -_-
I was so furious, my thoughts: "@!(@$@£*!$*$!@*$*!%*@$*(!@(£(@!£(@*!£*((!*@£(*". Then he does the same to the cop cars but that was worse, lol one of the cop cars chasing me got flung over a building RIP... Then they charge me for murder when a cop was driving badly and crashed into a tree, HOW TF WAS THAT MY FAULT????

The vice president
Well... I'm not much of a person to complain but omfg the vice president the other day just pissed me off! I was driving down the road, then I pull up to a traffic light to stop, the vice president starts talking and really stuttering (i thought he was drunk), so I think he's talking to me so I wait for him to finish what he wants to say (bearing in mind the lights still red). Wanna know what he does? He is like in his posh shitty accent "I have warranted James for arrest for 5 years". I'm like "WTF BRO!?!?!?!! WHY?!?!?!?!!?". Without giving me an explanation he just runs off leaving me facepalming, well they weren't the first to catch me, the first to catch me was the stop sign, yeah..

------------- This is just a taster of what's to come, if you like it, it really helps to send in your feedback (ooc: in the comments section and also if so please click that like button) ---------------

RE: LL News #4 | The selfish police force - Zyth - Apr 4, 2017

Oh by the way to anyone who didn't know, this isn't formatted in the way the full articles will be formatted - they will be much nicer Smile
Plus these stories won't be the only things that appear on the copies of LL News, there will be much more content from LL Co.
Thank you, James (ooc: <------ My IG Name)

RE: LL News #4 | The shit police force - akne - Apr 4, 2017

Are you sure this is not Macca's forums account?

RE: LL News #4 | The shit police force - MrMarsh - Apr 5, 2017

Can understand the ange about the prop accident (rather seem like an ooc situation though). Sure the police werent doing to bad of a job. If you are planing on doing a continuing project id recommend tocal it a blog or (depending on how far you can edit it) a sort of poetry slam. This style is realy uncommon for newspapers (except for comments or apostils). Probably a vlog or show would give it a btter framing. Exspecially since your are entirely narrating from a first person perspective.
One last thing: a blog surely consisting out of anger and messy situation seems like an interesting concpt but might get your readers tired over time. In the end people grab tpapers, read storys or watch tv to be entertained. While a tragic hero (in this case you and your fight against any gmod struggles) is entertaining i would recommend to put some friendly/funny information into the blog as well. Propaccidents and unclear arrest warrants are in this case slightly entertaning but just like RL news about government miscunduct or unfortunate accidents, they dont realy get you to laugh but rather to be sad/attached/angry. Exspecially if your storys deal with rulebraks or gamebugs they could get confusing repetetive and more enraging then entertaining. So why i would definatly keep that slightly ironic/pissed first person narative i would probably change it into a blog/show (how about "waffles world" or whatever) And make sure you have some story that are a little better to attach to - For example i recently had a patrol where i investigated a wrecked car, when doing so another car went past my cruiser didnt pay attntion and went full speed into oncomming traffic *second accident - I call in EMT and Fired - The Firetruck responds code 3 with pretty good speed, missed a turn and head straight into a concrete wall *third accident - I call in EMTs again. Some fool in a grand caravan flys by and hits aother wall *4th accident - emt is already on scene. Then a random pedestrian decides to spectate the scenario and runs straight into the brunign car fire....... .... to put it brief: this day we had more then 4 accidents with 6-8 people in less then 5-10 minutes and that grand caravan went to be trashed 3 times more afterwards. Such a story if you set it up in your current ironic-laconic tone of narration would be just a liittle bit more positive: while yes you have a funny occurence (a traffic cop facing a series of accidents where even the responding vehicles go up in flames that apperently roasted pedestrians) you dont have that one nescessarly evil character. I just think a blog soley dedicated to ruleblocks isnt more attractive then just browsing through the report-forum. Seek the unusual dont pay to much attention on who is to be blamed for what.
Doubtfull arrest are not extraordinary nor entertaining. A thing that is entertaining is that one dude that shipped himselve into the Nexus jail (by constructing a hollow vending machine with) and broke people free for half a day. The recently used government helicopter that had to tbone cars in the city tunnel because it couldnt climb over the rockwals (maplimits) or whatever. However thats just some ideas from a ored and sleep deprived arts studentXD
As a regular vlog in a satiric-moody tone of narration this however could actually be a pretty funny idea i guess

RE: LL News #4 | The shit police force - yutgjctguc - Apr 5, 2017

I think you're talking about me, I pulled over a ferrari yesrerday. And the speed limit in the laws was 45, and you were driving 55. But yeah you evaded nicely.

RE: LL News #4 | The shit police force - Jen - Apr 6, 2017

I was responding to a traffic incident. So I turn on blues and toos to respond.

You then failed to yelid to me and then speed up. I then diverted my attention to you. This then ended up in a pursuit.

However, I lost you ages before you entered the city. So I completely understand about you being mad about the prop. But when I entered the city it was a spike strip.