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PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Printable Version

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PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Qannter - Feb 16, 2017

Name: Puls3YT - Zack

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86849331

Time: Aprozz 11pm (UTC)

Player had team kill annother SSA withouth any roleplay reason as a SSA himself. SSA is a Secoret Service Agent. 

Evidence: Link of video will be provided by the guy who got killed. and i took some screenshots which i will post.

- Limelight Gaming - Feb 16, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Qannter.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Soviethooves - Feb 16, 2017

User has 24 hours to provide the evidence or any other party.

RE: PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Qannter - Feb 16, 2017

Evidence @ soviethooves :

In this evidence below, is a screen shot from the OOC chat. In which he admits he doesnt care about th eserver adn that he isnt here to RP

RE: PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Soviethooves - Feb 16, 2017

The last link is broken. Please attempt to fix it.

RE: PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Qannter - Feb 16, 2017

RE: PRA on Puls3YT - Zack (Team Kill) - Soviethooves - Feb 17, 2017


Closing Notes: Sadly him stating his opinion is not against our rules as long as it is not any type of bullying or discrimination, but the evidence provided does show him assaulting other agents.

User will be given a 2 Day Suspension and a 4 Hour Weapons Blacklist.