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False demotion report - Printable Version

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False demotion report - jackred22001 - Feb 14, 2017

Name of Player: Wesley


Server: Limelight City RP 2

Time: (In UTC+0)  UTC+00:00

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. I met this player when I was playing as a police officer, I was having a meeting with the president and an SSA came to me to order me out of his office (I did not leave) in which he called the sergeant up, the sergeant did not respond but as soon as the demotion of the sergeant came in Wesley who was SSA snagged it within 2 seconds which gives me an idea that him and the president were friends (his name is ForceGhost) later on after Wesley became captain he asked me to radio in my status and 10-20 which I did, he then asked me again which I did then he asked me for the third time but before I could answer he then demoted me and as soon as I was demoted ForceGhots became an officer which gives me reason to believe he demoted me because he wanted his friend to be an officer. I believe I was falsely demoted as I have evidence to support my case.

Evidence: I have multiple bits of chat to prove I responded to his call - The text highlighted in red is the text from myself and wesley, - This is a link to the console I have just selected the bits out to make it easier for you

(Radio) Wesley Lawrence: Unit 446, status check and 10-20 update, over.

(Urgent) Ki Henderson: I'm in hot pursuit of a Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG, plates WANKER,
currently at Abbey Road.
(Radio) Raylan 'ForceGhost' Givens: Respond to all callouts.
Player Deadio Poolio (STEAM_0:0:111247439) has joined the game.
(Radio) Raylan 'ForceGhost' Givens: Don't ignore callouts.
(Urgent) Ki Henderson: I'm in hot pursuit of a Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG, plates WANKER,
currently at Corleone Tunnel.
Player OweNLive (STEAM_0:0:142724530) has disconnected (OweNLive timed out).
(Urgent) Ki Henderson: I'm in hot pursuit of a Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG, plates WANKER,
currently at Corleone Tunnel.
*** Alex Alan radios in: Heading back to refuel

(Yell) Emily Melton: FUCKING RICK!

(Radio) Wesley Lawrence: 446, status check and 10-20 update. This is your last radio

check. Over.

(OOC) Rizion: forgot how boring FD can be :)

(OOC) ♈ Coupcake ♈: Waste of time RP
*** Alex Alan radios in: Respoding to a call in corloen tunnel, I did radio in before

(Radio) Wesley Lawrence: 446, status check and 10-20, last warning. over.

(Yell) Emily Melton: Shut up, you could have killed me! this guy should be fired!
(OOC) Rizion: is there an admin online?
(Radio) Dr 'Yellow' Vlad: This is unit 474. Requesting Supevisor to 10-20 Corleone Tunnel
(Radio) Dr 'Yellow' Vlad: Code 2
*** Alex Alan radios in: I have radioed in twice now, I am dealing with a incident in
corleone tunnel
(OOC) gligly: they just said rizion
(Radio) Nathan Rivers: EMS en route ETA 1-3 minutes
You have been demoted from Police Officer for reason failure to reply to radio
comms/status checks.

- Limelight Gaming - Feb 14, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, jackred22001.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: False demotion report - Soviethooves - Feb 14, 2017

We need a solid piece of evidence proving this radio shat was not altered.

Also, this needs to be dealt with in character as the player has a valid reason to demote you by our rule standards. It wasn't random and was not maliciously made as it seems.

RE: False demotion report - jackred22001 - Feb 14, 2017

I have updated the post to provided a screenshot - here is the link anyway to prove that I responded multiple times

RE: False demotion report - ForceGhost - Feb 14, 2017

From the screenshot you posted, I can't see you saying your 10-20 anywhere.

I grabbed the slot because I had been looking at the F1 menu and trying to get a police slot for 5-10 minutes before Wesley even got onto the server.

RE: False demotion report - Wesley Lawrence - Feb 14, 2017

Hello Jack,

I am Wesley and I was the Sergeant at the time of your demotion. The reason why I demoted you was (less) clearly stated in the demotion reason, but was more clearly explained to you through a PM after you messaged me asking why I exactly demoted you for the sake of recording it into the logs.

I have made pictures of me calling out a status-check and 10-20 update here to figure out where all my officers were and in what incidents they were involved in (if any) and it shows you only replying with ''heading to refuel'', ''10-4 on my way'' and ''heading in which direction''. Whilst, in all fairness, you should still be in radio silence of any other traffic until you have properly responded to me on my question.

Now, I did take note of your behavior as a police officer earlier, upstairs on the presidential floor, when I asked you to state your business up there and you had to reply in a certain way that didn't make a good first impression.

After the Police Sergeant, someone that was summoned to the presidential floor for further questioning but failed to respond both through radio comms or any other type of communication, was demoted, I indeed took this spot to, well, play as government personnel as I felt like doing that roleplay today.

Immediately, I started changing my job name around, the teamname around and setting the SOPs whilst using radio comms to verify officer's status and location. The officer that was in for SITREP and 10-20 update before you, gave me a proper response, whilst the next officer was already ahead of me by popping in saying he had initiated a pursuit (if I recall correctly). I then moved over to you, knowingly that you had shown disrespect on the presidential floor already, so I wasn't too keen of your abilities to be a police officer, and decided to take you out of the force after three/four tries with you constantly not being able to follow a proper way of responding to a SITREP and location update.

After you were confused about the demotion and wrote it in OOC, I told you this was an in-character thing, and if you had any confusion about it, to contact me personally. Which, you did by means of a PM. As seen in the last picture, I replied with more detail and explained myself as to why you were demoted and figured everything was clear enough.

I hope this answers the question as to why you were demoted, and why it was done the way it was done. I should have been a bit more descriptive in the demotion reason, but I figured I had explained myself properly enough through the upcoming PM after that.

If there are any more problems or questions, do not hesitate to state them, as I will be happy to answer them.

RE: False demotion report - ForceGhost - Feb 14, 2017

The reason I demoted the Sergeant initially was for not responding to the Nexus to speak to you about the manner in which you spoke to my SSA.

RE: False demotion report - Soviethooves - Feb 14, 2017

Case is being reviewed.

Both parties may argue their sides if they wish for the next 24 Hours as I look into this.

RE: False demotion report - Soviethooves - Feb 14, 2017

So far, technically you did respond, but did not respond with the request the superior requested.

RE: False demotion report - Soviethooves - Feb 15, 2017


Closing Notes: Although we understand your frustration, technically he has followed our rules. He gave you an order IC and you did not follow it to his standards. After multiple warnings, you were demoted. This must be dealt with IC by any means that follow our rules. Examples may be that you talk to his supervisor or threaten his life and rough him up with a baseball bat.