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Player Report. - Printable Version

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Player Report. - Pat - Feb 11, 2017

Name of Player: Rhys

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:69083012

Server: V4B1

Time: (In UTC+0)12:56 Uk time

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. Prop pushing his car so he can get it repaired. I told him to stop but he claimed that he was using his "Super Strength" Super Power.


[Image: 551BF487D29E22682EFD2A5114F651B0DCEC899E]
[Image: 3545C3A1E844204210711B50F40D2566220382BE][Image: DA97BFF7A0EE40F65BCC8801B46C3D0A77B19676]

- Limelight Gaming - Feb 11, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, Daniel.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Player Report. - Murdoch Murdoch - Feb 11, 2017

Approved, user will receive a 4 hour PTE blacklist.