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PR / Tomamelon - Printable Version

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PR / Tomamelon - Cochise - Feb 3, 2017

Name of Player:   [L²:RP] Tomamelon

SteamID:  [b]STEAM_0:0:88857901[/b]

Server: 4b1

Time: (In UTC+0) 20 minutes ago

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. D/C to avoid being revived after being shot and injured by the police.


- Limelight Gaming - Feb 3, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, OBAMATOOKMYCHIP.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR / Tomamelon - Overlewd - Feb 3, 2017


As seen on the scoreboard in the video evidence and via some further log checks, there were no paramedics online at the time of this incident, therefore there was no reason for the accused player to stay logged in as he couldn't have been revived.