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Question of dictator laws - Printable Version

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Question of dictator laws - yutgjctguc - Jan 16, 2017

Is for example "gays aren't allowed" a dictator law? Im just asking so I don't make these kind of laws.

RE: Question of dictator laws - Dick - Jan 16, 2017

Hello again, @"Vatipaa". It's good to see you are curious about this kind of subject. I enjoy Presidential roleplay and this is one thing I love to discuss about of were the true border between Dictator to Corrupt to Regular Presidency stands.

This is a sort of Grey Area.

Most staff such as @Toxic and @BlackDog do take it as a form of dictator-ish laws as you are preventing a mass range of citizen of evocity to not be allowed to enter. It is a weird topic to talk about and I'll leave this open for staff to tell you their opinion.

I do believe it depends on the Administrator or Moderator online at the moment in time. I'd most likely ask permission from staff before doing the law. Someone was punished last night due to certain laws linking to this.

On a personal scale - Think about it like questions but I mean as if it is required rather than just because I wanted to.
  1. If it doesn't require to be there then why make a law about it? 
  2. Why would you require to ban gay or lesbian citizens from the city?
  3. What would the benefit be about banning gay or lesbian citizens.
When thinking of things to ban, you will require to ask these three questions. When players ban Corleones or Anarchists - I can tell that they have not thought though the process of these three steps as banning them from the city will benefit nothing coming from the government or president's point of view.

RE: Question of dictator laws - Daley - Jan 16, 2017

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Quote:Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. 
Quote:Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. 

Alongside these Human rights, revoking Homosexual individuals from taking residence in a city, or even prohibiting them from owning property, studying, working, is in direct violation with human rights. Hence making it a Dictator law.
TL:DR It's a dictator law. Any laws that effect anyone without a proper reason for it is considered a Dictator law, excluding some. I might have taken this question a tad bit too far, but if it's something that would be frowned upon by most modern first world countries, then it's properly a dictator law.
TL:DR 2.0 It's a dictator law.

RE: Question of dictator laws - Overlewd - Jan 16, 2017

Generally, the law is a dictator law if:

a) It revokes human rights from certain citizens (bans on a certain sexual orientation, ALL cars, a certain race, banning religions or forcing a certain religion on people) - Except freedom of speech to a certain extent - Arrests/fines for government disrespect, for example, are fine as a law.

b) It forces citizens to do something that's not obviously beneficial to the city or themselves (very strict every day curfews, having to bow to pres/government officials)

c) It allows executions for very minor crimes (Execution of mass-murder or first degree murder of police etc are fine for death penalty but something like death penalty for mugging or trespassing is a dictator law)

If in doubt, make an @ call of /help if there are no staff online. Also a thing - if you have to ask yourself if something is a dictator law, it likely is.

RE: Question of dictator laws - Dick - Jan 16, 2017

@"Vatipaa" ,

Did you receive the answers you wanted?

RE: Question of dictator laws - yutgjctguc - Jan 16, 2017

(Jan 16, 2017, 04:16 PM)Lieutenant Sours Wrote: @"Vatipaa" ,

Did you receive the answers you wanted?

Yea, u can archive this