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PR | [L²:RP] Project - thekalk - Jan 15, 2017

Name of Player: [L²:RP] Project

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49197760

Server: V4b1

Time: 01:00

As seen in the evidence video me and my friend Kube008 had a big weed farm with a huge amount of pots wich we bought from other players.
As we all know weed plants dont make noise while growing. So I am asking myself why Projekt gave us Search warrants witout a reason, broke into our store without a reason, tased us wihtout saying anything and arrested us without saying a reason besides "I found weed in your base".

In OOC after asking what his reason for the Random Search was, he replied "I am covered by 1.11 at this point of time [..]"
Arguable no RP in this situation , because: 1. He/she didnt even search us for a ID he was Metagaming. 2. No use of /me 3. Not even trying to compensate the missing mircro through chat 4. No called police backup, just a solo mission.

What I am seeing here is a player with 1000 hrs. randomly breaking into bases of people with 20 hrs. Shitty move he even collected the weed instead of 'conficating' them. 
Unfortunately there is no refund for this. I am decently pissed right now because we 1. werent aggressive 2. have like 20 hours on the server 3. Spent much time on this project.

thank you for reading

Kube008's POV (here you can see, our base too, he was in charge of the cameras):

- Limelight Gaming - Jan 15, 2017

Thank you for your player-report, thekalk.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR | [L²:RP] Project - Project - Jan 15, 2017

(Jan 15, 2017, 02:43 AM)thekalk Wrote: As seen in the evidence video me and my friend Kube008 had a big weed farm with a huge amount of pots wich we bought from other players.
As we all know weed plants dont make noise while growing. So I am asking myself why Projekt gave us Search warrants witout a reason, broke into our store without a reason, tased us wihtout saying anything and arrested us without saying a reason besides "I found weed in your base".
You asked why you was being arrested and I answered, as to why I raided you had placed notes outside your place saying "closed by the government" or something along the lines of that, same goes for the names of some doors ( here is on the doors and the note can be seen within the next second and the logs should back me up on what I said about the notes.). I saw your friend exiting the place while it is supposed to be ceased by the government so I got a warrant to search the place. tl;dr I search due to the suspicion of the place being used illegally while it was seized by the government.

In OOC after asking what his reason for the Random Search was, he replied "I am covered by 1.11 at this point of time [..]"

Quote:Rule 1.11 You are not required to provide a reason for your RP actions to other players in OOC, even if they request it; you are only required to provide a reason for your RP actions to admins when they ask. 

Arguable no RP in this situation , because: 1. He/she didnt even search us for a ID he was Metagaming. 2. No use of /me 3. Not even trying to compensate the missing mircro through chat 4. No called police backup, just a solo mission.

1.That happens with 90% of the arrests, as officers tend not to book you before jail, also the gamemode is semi-realistic. Again I don't need to know who you are but I can detain/arrest you as a person for a crime that I believe you committed. You running away gave away the fact you were the ones running the place.

2.Not required to roleplay every situation I am in even though I tend to do so most of the times, when you run away the first time it does not show will to roleplay but rather potential to arm up hence why you was tased.

3. I dont get this point.

4. I did call for the backup, the first time you came about (I believe so at least), you were not within the radius of the command to see it.
While this is a PR targeted to me I would like to ask you how you (with 0 roleplay involved was accessing the cameras from everywhere? Even the jails.)

Note: I will happily type my point of view here tomorrow.
2nd Note: You both were warranted, police tends to know how you look when you are warranted, especially the officer that issued the warrants, and also the fact one of you was already known to me after checking your prius on my police db before the raid (Your car was parked behind the building).

RE: PR | [L²:RP] Project - Soviethooves - Jan 15, 2017

1. He doesn't have to grab ID as since we aren't a game mode with full serious mechanics, once detained you are assumed to be rid of your ID by the officer.

2. That's a personal choice, he doesn't have to.

3. What?

4. He actually doesn't need backup. It's his RP and he can choose how to raid the facility.

Also, the reason for the raid is valid in my eyes. See no reason to not search it if a player runs out of a Restricted Area and they aren't part of that area's staff.

RE: PR | [L²:RP] Project - thekalk - Jan 15, 2017

Nope it was private gound please read exactly " Closed DUE Government" NOT BY. Wich meant we had to close the shop cause of new Laws.
Since our property was still our private ground, wasnt seized by the government, only forced to close DUE new laws you entered without permission and without a reason.


Recorded afterwards like 10-12 minutes, you can see the exact military grade truck at the position for proof.

And even if it was "by government" its still our property. And the raid was over. So I dont understand why you would even care as a police officer.

RE: PR | [L²:RP] Project - Project - Jan 15, 2017

I then apologize for that part, I misinterpreted that part of the note.

I believed you meant the government closed it so thats why I found it suspicious you walking in and out (If the government seizes your property, you should not be in it).

If the note was something along the line of: "Closed due to the new law" It would had made it easier for me to understand what you meant. 

You also had the chance to explain that to me before you was arrested but you just kept going OOC about the matter.

RE: PR | [L²:RP] Project - Soviethooves - Jan 15, 2017


Closing Notes: The reason for the raid was not valid, however the wording of the sign can be seen as the accused has claimed.

In the future, word the signs more specifically and be mindful of what signs are saying.