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BR on ConnorMeister & ForticGames - Printable Version

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BR on ConnorMeister & ForticGames - Auston - Dec 29, 2016

Name of Player: ConnorMeister, ForticGames

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87007895 , STEAM_0:0:154265112

Server:  The new one

Time: (In UTC+0) 23:40

Summary: I witnessed accused players pass illegally on the left side so I proceeded to pull them over, not more than 20 seconds into the chase they decide its a good idea to get out, yell a command and me and shoot me with no little time whatsoever. Players clearly just wanted to shoot something and accidentally launched garrysmod instead of Call of Duty.

Clearly no intention to RP and possibly baiting police. And to some could be considered RDM. 


- Limelight Gaming - Dec 29, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Auston.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: BR on ConnorMeister & ForticGames - Soviethooves - Dec 29, 2016

Dealing with in character.

RE: BR on ConnorMeister & ForticGames - Soviethooves - Dec 29, 2016


Dealt with In-Game.