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UBR - Decay - Dec 25, 2016

Your Name: 

Ban ID: 4672

Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [L²] Soviethooves

Server: v4b1 

Ban Reason: Exposing undercover staff to other players

Why should you be unbanned?: I should be unbanned because this is a very poor reason to ban me. I was chatting with my friend Welker at the time ( and my I add he already figured out it was Soviet ) and I basically said " Its gotta be soviet its gotta be fucking him" or something along those lines I dont remember exacly. I understand the concern og the admin ofc, you cant have people running around exposing UC admins, but when its like 6 or 5 people online and two already knows its him, is it really expsoing? Its not like I said it in OOC or anything. If im quite honest, I think this ban is uncalled for.

Evidence: No furhter evidance muh honour

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 25, 2016

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Decay.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: UBR - Soviethooves - Dec 25, 2016

The problem isn't the population, it's that you have had so much time with our community, yet when you begin blurting out in public with another player about an undercover staff member, it becomes a problem.

I did not know Welker knew I was undercover and I fail to see why that's a reason to use VoiP to talk about undercover staff.

Also as you have experience like I previously stated, you know that if you know you broke the rules, that doesn't give you the right to post a UBR. You know what you did, and you are never meant to speak about undercover staff in public, especially in the middle of the open, in front of the CGC.

If you and a friend know someone's undercover, keep it out of the public.

RE: UBR - Decay - Dec 25, 2016

Of course it gives me the right to post a UBR. The rule cleary states

1.10 Do not reveal the presence of undercover admins to others on the server in the event that you notice them. Doing so will likely result in a kick.

So why the harsh punishment? Because of my experience? In all regards Welker already knew, so it's not exposing is it? Again I understand that you didnt know that Welker knew, but all in all this is not a very big deal when you think it thorough. And if you think the punishment is justified? I even talked to you in PM. were you straight up denied you was an UC admin, again i get it, but really a ban? I just feel that its way out of propotion.

RE: UBR - Soviethooves - Dec 25, 2016

It's a punishment as you exposed an undercover administrator to another player in public.

As you have pointed out yourself, you do have knowledge of said rule, so why break it and post a UBR if you know you are in the wrong? Is your only excuse to publicly announcing is that you knew that Welker knew? One, how am I supposed to know that? And two, did you have to announce it in public with VoiP?

I see no reason to lift your suspension sinply because you think it's too much.

RE: UBR - Decay - Dec 25, 2016

(Dec 25, 2016, 06:59 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: It's a punishment as you exposed an undercover administrator to another player in public.

As you have pointed out yourself, you do have knowledge of said rule, so why break it and post a UBR if you know you are in the wrong? Is your only excuse to publicly announcing is that you knew that Welker knew? One, how am I supposed to know that?There was no wa And two, did you have to announce it in public with VoiP?

I see no reason to lift your suspension sinply because you think it's too much.

As you have pointed out yourself, you do have knowledge of said rule, so why break it and post a UBR if you know you are in the wrong? 

Because the punishment does not fit the crime at all. You know this, I know this and we all know this. 

 Is your only excuse to publicly announcing is that you knew that Welker knew?

Well kinda yes, because this nullifies the whole thing, how is it exposing if he already knew?

There were 5-6 people online, Me, you, Welker and one afk that makes up for the 4 out of the 6 people online the other 2 was off doing their own thing, so it never was an expose. Im not gonna sit here and yell " im innocent " because no matter how much we twist it, im still gonna come out guilty. What im really wondering is: Why the harsh punishment? you should atleast have the decency to tell me that.

RE: UBR - Soviethooves - Dec 25, 2016

Because you have enough experience to realize that what you did was wrong. What if there was a player I was investigating right behind you? What would've happened if I was investigating one of you? You have to keep this information private when you find out and not spread it in public. If the population is low, that doesn't mean you may break rules lightly and I'm sure you know that.

RE: UBR - Soviethooves - Dec 25, 2016

You know what? It's Christmas Day (for me atleast), so I'll level with you. I'm not gonna be an a**hat to someone today, so I'll remove the ban, just watch your surroundings when you blurt things out like that next time.
