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Ahmet Player Report - Printable Version

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Ahmet Player Report - duck - Nov 26, 2016

b]Name of Player:[/b] Ahmet

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47497261

Server: evocity_v4b1

Time: (In UTC+0) 00:00

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. Ahmet Broke Fearrp and then rdm i had a  gun pointed at him after he stole a car and crashed in a police chased i told him to get out easily over 10 times he refused everytime and a car crashed after about 10 mins of trying to get him out and i walk over to the burning car and he jumps out of the police car knocks me out and steps on me killing me and then a admin gets called and the guy gets  weapon ban this is not the first time this guy has broken fearrp today htis time he was just taking the mick so i called a admin.  in the second screenshot kappa kappa is the guy who was driving the car and then crashed ahmet is the one breaking fearrp and then rdm'ed
in the second screen shot i say "nice you break fear i go to help someone in a car crash by this time i would not let me type because of the nlr agree thing so i ended the text there please get this guy out of the server thank you

Evidence: = Admin tried to solve but he did not have enough evidence

- Limelight Gaming - Nov 26, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, duck.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Ahmet Player Report - Dick - Nov 26, 2016

I believe the player was already banned when @Soviethooves came online.

[Image: steam.png]
Telling staff to ''Go kill yourself'' | Saying ''fuck you'' to player in OOC PM | ''Spitting'' at staff through mic. | Threatening staff with a AA case.
2016-11-26 01:23:42
13 days, 20 hours
[L²] Soviethooves

RE: Ahmet Player Report - Soviethooves - Nov 26, 2016


Player already suspended for rule breakages.