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unban request - Printable Version

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unban request - simon - Nov 15, 2016

[b]Your Name:[/b] [L²:RP] Vendetta

[b]Ban ID:[/b] 4386

[b]Banned by:[/b] Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [L²] Sirwulf

[b]Server:[/b] rp_evocity_v4b1

[b]Ban Reason:[/b] Breaking 1.9 and 2.1c - Backseat Administration and breaking FearRP over a suspected Random Arrest claim without using @.

[b]Why should you be unbanned?:[/b] becaus he has no evedince that i have done any of this thing's

[b]Evidence:[/b] i have no evidence but he doesn't have any evidence that i have done any of this

- Limelight Gaming - Nov 15, 2016

The staff-members have received your unban-request, simon.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: unban request - Overlewd - Nov 15, 2016

The evidence was your own evidence from the player report you posted which shows you breaking the rules.

RE: unban request - simon - Nov 15, 2016

wha thave i done wrong?? i didn't do anything yesterday i just came in like 10 mins and then went to bed and then now i cant join becaus hes abusing his powers so waht did i do wrong??

RE: unban request - simon - Nov 15, 2016

+ i wasn't even a police officer yesterday so how could i do anything to a suspect?

RE: unban request - simon - Nov 15, 2016

i wanna talk to temar

RE: unban request - Overlewd - Nov 15, 2016

RE: unban request - SirWulf - Nov 15, 2016

The link above shows the video of what you did. You were breaking FearRP by moving around while under gunpoint and during the arrest. You then were backseat administrating by telling the players that they cannot do that, that you were filing a report and basically breaking the RP.

Your ban was based on your prior history of doing the exact same thing, which shows that you are not learning from your previous BLs and Bans. If needed, I'll get into more detail after work. I'm about to leave now.

RE: unban request - SirWulf - Nov 16, 2016

ok, for the record we have had an extensive conversation today about this report.  I will present it here as it relates to the situation, it'll be on record:

NOTE: The gaps are pauses in the conversation, when it reported that "Vendetta is playing Gary's Mod, click here to join."

[L²:RP] Vendetta: hey why did you ban me?
[L²] SirWulf: I explained that in the ban, and also the report you sent.  I'm about to head off to work.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: ok i dont care but i wans't even a officer yesterday so
[L²:RP] Vendetta: i wanna see you evidence about me doing any of thise
[L²:RP] Vendetta: and who mad ethe report on me i want to hear it from him
[L²] SirWulf: Where is this officer thing coming from?  You were a news reporter
[L²] SirWulf: My wife is waiting for me.  I'm heading out.  We can talk later.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: yous aid in the ban that i was breaking fearrp and how did i do that

[L²] SirWulf: Moving back and forth while at gunpoint and while being detained.

[L²:RP] Vendetta: that wasn't why you banned me
[L²:RP] Vendetta: Breaking 1.9 and 2.1c - Backseat Administration and breaking FearRP over a suspected Random Arrest claim without using @.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: thats why you banned me

[L²] SirWulf: Yep. You were claiming random arrest on the SSA that was arresting you. You should be saying all this in your unban request...
[L²:RP] Vendetta: yes i was claiming a random arrest on the forums not ingame
[L²] SirWulf: You weren't arrested on the forums.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: no but i mad e a player report
[L²:RP] Vendetta: so why do you ban me for it?
[L²] SirWulf: Right. And I found that the player broke no rules, but you did.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: how did i breake a rule?
[L²] SirWulf: I already told you in chat, on the PR request and the unban request.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: i cant find my PR
[L²] SirWulf: Overlewd gave the link on your unban request.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: i didn't mive around while i was under gun point
[L²:RP] Vendetta: and then why did you ban me like a week later?
[L²] SirWulf: Time matters? I shouldn't have banned goat then because it happened a week ago?
[L²:RP] Vendetta: yes or something
[L²:RP] Vendetta: sry it happend 3 days ago
[L²:RP] Vendetta: in 11 minuts then it's ecsactly 3 days
[L²] SirWulf: Overall time doesn't matter. We allowed enough time for all parties to respond, and for multiple admins and moderators to review the case if they wish.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: ok
[L²:RP] Vendetta: but you was the only admin to respond

[L²] SirWulf: Doesn't mean others didn't investigate.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: ok well thank you for you time explaining it for me
[L²] SirWulf: Sure. I hope it helps. I sorry for delays in responding sometimes. I am at work right now on my phone.
[L²:RP] Vendetta: yeah i see that

With this, I am going to close this case as it seems evident that he was confused, he thought that the ban was over a different situation entirely.

RE: unban request - SirWulf - Nov 16, 2016

Due to our earlier conversation simon, it seems that this was a matter of confusion. That you had believed that the ban was over a different situation entirely. And in the Steam IM, it seems that we have settled this.

As such, I am going to deny this request.

Thank you