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Player Report : AP3XWarriorZ - Printable Version

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Player Report : AP3XWarriorZ - Darkzy - Oct 29, 2016

Name of Player: AP3XWarriorZ.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:181890499.

Server: V4B1.

Time: 12:55 (UK Time).

Summary: The person who I am making this player report towards was a chef. In the screenshot below, he is visibly holding a gun to my head which should be FailRP. A chef shouldn't have a gun to my head, especially for someone with such power (Don Corleone).

His reasoning for pulling a gun on me was for telling him to "f**k off", it was a minor altercation. Therefore, I believe that he has an invalid reason to threaten me and sorted out the situation incorrectly by drawing a gun.


[Image: 49FD382949E4D999B3AF2AFE2E64CBB27F484F64]

- Limelight Gaming - Oct 29, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Marshmallow.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Player Report : AP3XWarriorZ - Jono - Oct 29, 2016

AP3XWarriorZ has 24 hours to respond before a verdict will be given.

Do you have any other evidence you can add to this?

RE: Player Report : AP3XWarriorZ - Darkzy - Oct 29, 2016

I do not.

RE: Player Report : AP3XWarriorZ - Jono - Oct 31, 2016

Evidence is not sufficient.

He could quite have easily been pulling a gun out for self defense unaware that you're there, and then you took this screenshot before he put it away. Without any extra evidence a side from your word, it's rather difficult to see the bigger picture here.

Due to the lack of any extra evidence, thisPR is denied.