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Player Report on - FoXXor - Printable Version

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Player Report on - FoXXor - Askasta - Sep 11, 2016

Name of Player: FoXXor

SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:0:65328457[/b]

Server: v1b4

Time: (In UTC+0) i dont know

Summary: While i was arresting someone who drove too fast. FoXXor Was standing there all the way back and tried to hit the car with a prop so the car would hit me and the person who i was trying to arrest but he failed and he saw that i was running towards him. I don't wanted to arrest him at all i just wanted to know why he was doing it but he got scared and proppushed me away.


- Limelight Gaming - Sep 11, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Askasta.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Player Report on - FoXXor - Noble - Sep 12, 2016


Accused player was found to have attempted to use props to kill other players. A 4 hour PTE blacklist will be issued.

Thank you for your report.