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Toxic is a bit salty - Printable Version

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Toxic is a bit salty - KappaSaurusRekt - Aug 24, 2016

Your Name: Onii-Chan

Issued by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [L²:M][F.I] Toxic

Blacklist ID: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]68665[/font]

Server: Evocity V4B1

Why should you be unblacklisted?: Because the two cop cars behind me crashed into eatchother after i had attempted to stop using my spacebar. The cars proceeded to ram me even though i had come to an halt at the right side of the road. I was then blamed for breakchecking. Just because the police officers didnt slow down in time. I think this is an idiotic blacklist because i had not had any intention to breakcheck. Toxic has also been in a bad mood so i also think my blacklist was too severe. Just because the police officers rammed into the back of my vehicle.


- Limelight Gaming - Aug 24, 2016

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, KappaSaurusRekt.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Toxic is a bit salty - Toxic - Aug 24, 2016

You brake checked the police officers, causing their vehicles to explode from running into the back of your RV, and drove on as though nothing happened. I then had to mute you as you continued to try and talk over and back to me as I was trying to explain your situation to you. Once I issued your blacklist, you started saying malicious comments over global OOC chat; something which most likely would've continued had the ban not taken effect when it did.

RE: Toxic is a bit salty - Toxic - Aug 25, 2016

You have 24 hours to post any additional evidence or comments before a decision is reached.

RE: Toxic is a bit salty - Toxic - Aug 26, 2016

Closed; no response from OP after 24 hours.