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BranX - Printable Version

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BranX - Hungames - Aug 18, 2016

Name of Player: BranX

SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:1:16793015[/b]

Server: v4b1

Time: (In UTC+0) 1:30 AM about

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. 

I saw over the radio that there was a jail break so I responded to it. When i got there, branX was standing there where I killed him and exchanged fire with his friend. After retreating, getting healed by a cop, and going back, i was killed by his friend, and BranX was back there only minutes later.

Rules broken: 3.3



- Limelight Gaming - Aug 18, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Hungames.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: BranX - BranX - Aug 18, 2016

So my name has been mentioned here so im just here to write that first of all yes i was killed in the jails but can i ask how you apparantly know i was back there

RE: BranX - Hungames - Aug 18, 2016

Go to 9:09 and you start talking and shooting me.

RE: BranX - BranX - Aug 18, 2016

All i saw was a guy shooting you and the words "You cannot talk in this state" i didnt see a full name or anything just Bra which could have been anyone

RE: BranX - Hungames - Aug 18, 2016

Go to 0:26 and look at the profile picture there and at 9:09, it is the same. Also, no one else had Bra as the first letters of their steam name at the time.

RE: BranX - BranX - Aug 18, 2016

Tbh i should have just told the truth i dont known what was i was thinking but yes it was my fault i should not have came back i just forgot about nlr cos i wanted to have a gun fight so i deserve the ban/blacklist

RE: BranX - Hungames - Aug 18, 2016

Gun fights are fun, so I see why you came back, but you probably shouldn't. Since you admitted it, a short NLR blacklist at most will do.

RE: BranX - BranX - Aug 18, 2016

I even agree i should have that as i know what i have done

RE: BranX - Noble - Aug 22, 2016


In the future be very careful about lying in the courthouse @BranX

Player was found to have broken NLR by returning to jailbreak and killing officers. A 5 hour NLR and weapons blacklist will be issued.