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[Denied] BranX's Application - Printable Version

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[Denied] BranX's Application - BranX - Aug 15, 2016

[Image: 2TXie2d.png]

Out of Character Information

Steam Name:BranX

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:16793015

Your Age:15

Hours on server:171

RP Events you have been in:The major fire that happened to ampm my job was to insure the safety every one that was in the area | Torture RP with SirWulf | Tragic Window Cleaning accident |

Reps Issued:2 Smile

Ban History on Limelight: I have had one ban for fearrp and insulting someone

Blacklist History on Limelight: three blacklists

Warning history on Limelight: I dont have any warnings


In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)

Division you are applying for: Security Division


Full Name:Benjamin Bran Attano

All Nicknames:Bran Flakes


Date of Application Monday 2nd August


Date of birth: 25  / 09 / 2001

Gender: M

Place of Birth: England , Glasgow

Telephone Number: 01452666911

Mobile: 07711911666

Driver's License Number: BR 25 JAP


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address:3 harebell lane

Zip code:CR0 RF7

Suburb / City Glasgow

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address:4 Harebell Lane

Zip code:CRO RF6

Suburb / City Glasgow


Why are you applying? I need a good job that i enjoy to help cover the expenses of my university
fee with which i came out with an A level in computer science.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I have been a loyal guard for the
Casino which goes by the name of EverGreen Casino here is the link to the to the online report
about the casino (

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I think that i would suit the job because i am a very
enthusiastic about FUMUKU i have watched you guys at work for a very long time and i can say that
I would be able to complete every task set for me to the best of my capablilties!

What will you offer FUMUKU? I will offer FUMUKU my labour aswell as the funds that i have had
that are not being used to pay off my university fee.

Character Bio:I am a 28 year old male i was born in England in Glasgow from a very young age i
been through tough times with my dad going to war and never coming back the doctors thought I
would be mentally scared for life but my mother would not have it so she took me to see a FUMUKU
doctor to see if they could help me and with their great knowledge of the human body and emotions
they managed to get me to pull through my mental illness so from that day forward i promised
myself that i would strive as hard as i could in order to help FUMUKU in any way shape and form
whether its through me working as a low class worker for the company or using my knowledge of
computers and other electrical items to gain FUMUKU any advantage they needed.

RE: Benjamin Bran Attano application (Branx's app) - Dick - Aug 15, 2016

Thank you for your application.

Your application is currently under discussion by the FUMUKU International Officers.
Your application should be notified shortly with the outcome.
Thank you.

Current Status: Under Discussion
Expected Full Answer - Max of 2 Week (From 15/08/2016)

Signing Officer:

Doctor T. A. Barzinio
FUMUKU International
Department of Legal Resources
Clearence: B

RE: Benjamin Bran Attano application (Branx's app) - Dick - Aug 22, 2016

Your application has been locked for final verdict from Director Lynch and CEO Carthusia Malkrin

Current Status: Final Verdict
Expected Answer: Tuesday

Signing Officer:

[Image: ZhO5r27.png]

FUMUKU International
Department of Legal Resources
Clearence: B

RE: Benjamin Bran Attano application (Branx's app) - Dick - Aug 23, 2016

[Image: RUwiNtr.png]