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[PR] StormyExile and LONEWOLFGAMER6 - Printable Version

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[PR] StormyExile and LONEWOLFGAMER6 - IsThisaNewFLRP? - Aug 1, 2016

Name of Player: LONEWOLFGAMER6, StormyExile

SteamID: LONEWOLFGAMER6: STEAM_0:1:146730226 StormyExile: STEAM_0:1:156350113

Server: v33X

Time: (In UTC+0) 8:55 PM  UTC +0

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. I was a police officer, and I got a callout to industrial about someshooting, and when I arrive and get out without any weapons, LONEWOLFGAMER6 shoots me and like in the second shot he gets me on the ground, and then StormyExile was a BMD, and at the time of the incident, he got a gun out and started helping LONEWOLF, and at the end, Stormy gets in my Tahoe and drives it away while LONEWOLFGAMER6 shoots me again while ragdolled

Evidence: Pictures in album (My recorder wasn't on at the time)

- Limelight Gaming - Aug 1, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, IsThisaNewFLRP?.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: [PR] StormyExile and LONEWOLFGAMER6 - Mahti - Aug 6, 2016

If you get called into a firefight you have to be prepared for it, But PR approved on Stormyexile as he was raiding as a BMD.