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PR on D-Sec - Printable Version

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PR on D-Sec - ICEKILLER_99 - Jul 15, 2016

[b]Name of Player:[/b]D-Sec

[b]SteamID: [/b]STEAM_0:1:51066927

[b]Server: [/b]v33x

[b]Time: [/b] 16:25

[b]Summary:[/b] Give us context and what rules they broke.
Woodcutting as a doctor

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 15, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, ICEKILLER_99.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR on D-Sec - erik9631 - Jul 15, 2016

First of all. I was told by multiple admins that as far as I am selling medicine and got a shop close by, it is alright for me to make money by cutting wood. The area is a hotspot for people that want to buy steroids, therefore it is the largest income for doctors.

Here is my part of the evidence that I was legitimately selling medicine.

Also here is the evidence of me selling the medicine

I would also like to add to the fact that there is no rule saying that it is NOT allowed to cut wood as a doctor. I am basing this on the official rules listed here.

RE: PR on D-Sec - BlackDog - Jul 15, 2016

You are infact not allowed to cut wood as a doctor, as your not using your job properly, useing the excuse of "Im selling steriods to cutters" is not a valid one, as at that point your not a doctor, your a drug pusher.

9.6 You must roleplay your job accurately (i.e. do not pretend that you’re a special ops soldier as a citizen or chef).
9.7 Do not change jobs just to buy something from the market (this is powergaming).
Consider this your one warning on the matter, do NOT cut wood as a doctor, its misusing the class and borderline job abuse to use it to self supply steroids to cut wood faster.

Report Approved: Warning Issued