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PR: ben111567 - Printable Version

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PR: ben111567 - Fly - Jul 15, 2016

Name of Player:

SteamID: ben111567

Server: v33x

Time: The last hour

Summary: It all started when he revengekilled me after i killed him (Lv has recording of this) at lake. Later he has just been doing Mass-CDM, Mass-RDM, Teamkilling, Going president and demoting SWAT etc, Mass-RDM again, Demoting again. Mass-minging in general. There was one instance of attempted propkill in the elevator. There were also severe cases of NLR, FailRP, Breaking FearRP, d/c to avoid arrests several times.

Evidence: General logs, damage logs, i heard a lot of people are gonna post evidence here in this thread.

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 15, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Arach.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR: ben111567 - BlackDog - Jul 15, 2016

Have whoever has the evidence post it here then, as logs alone are not enough for a punishment most of the time, as they are mostly for coroborating evidence

RE: PR: ben111567 - SirApex - Jul 15, 2016

Here is what I saw. He was Mass RDMing, NLR and insulting in OOC. Well that is only what I saw.

When you will be watching the video make sure to keep your eyes to the chat but not all the time.

Video -

And he had no interest in RPing. He is in the server for 188 hours and he still is braking rules. (please perm ban him or more than a month)

RE: PR: ben111567 - BlackDog - Jul 15, 2016

The evidence provided is pretty clear

Report Approved