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PR on thracian - Printable Version

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PR on thracian - Gamingpeak56 - Jul 8, 2016

[b]Name of Player:[/b]thracian

[b]SteamID: [/b]STEAM_0:1:79223676

[b]Server: [/b]V33X

[b]Time: [/b] (In UTC+0)11:08

[b]Summary:[/b] Give us context and what rules they broke. He was insulting Arach in ooc and he
insulted me before thay but i dont have evidence of that


- Limelight Gaming - Jul 8, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Gamingpeak56.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: PR on thracian - Soviethooves - Jul 8, 2016

Please fix the link. All it leads to is your profile where it shows you do not have any screenshots.

RE: PR on thracian - Safira - Jul 8, 2016


User failed to post evidence within 12 hours.