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Being racist and being hitler without perms - Printable Version

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Being racist and being hitler without perms - Gamingpeak56 - Jul 2, 2016

Name of Player:

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86646185

Server: V33X

Time: (In UTC+0) 5;52 pm

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. They became a nazi without admins perms saying i hate jews they all need to die and things like and just being a general minge

Evidence:  and    and also ask Stell90 about this incident

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 2, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Gamingpeak56.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Soviethooves - Jul 2, 2016

Could you check the evidence? I beliebe the links are broken.

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Jen - Jul 2, 2016

I also saw this at the nexus however i wasn't recording at the time.

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Gamingpeak56 - Jul 2, 2016

Right one sec ill check the links

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Gamingpeak56 - Jul 2, 2016

They should be fixed now

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Mahti - Jul 2, 2016

Your links leads to your steam profile page and at least I cannot view your screenshots. You need to link each picture's unique url.

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Soviethooves - Jul 2, 2016

I have found evidence of Agent 47's actions in logs.

@Agent 47 has 24 hours to respond to this post.

RE: Being racist and being hitler without perms - Soviethooves - Jul 4, 2016


Accused has been found using radical leaders and parties in real life In-Game for roleplay. These rules are clearly written and is basic common sense to not roleplay these banned parties.

Accused will be issued a 3 Day Suspension.