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2x PR | ✪Clarkie/Rozza F*cking Dozza - Printable Version

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2x PR | ✪Clarkie/Rozza F*cking Dozza - Wesley Lawrence - Jul 2, 2016

Name of Players:
Player "✪Clarkie" and player "Rozza Fucking Dozza".

✪Clarkie has the following SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81944815.
Rozza F*cking Dozza has the following SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157847551.


Time (In UTC+0):
21:30/9:30pm UTC.

Player ✪Clarkie broke the following rules in the video:
Rule 2.1 FearRP - Person did not follow my direct order for like 5 times whilst being aimed at with the taser. This started all the way on the corner of the Burger King drive-through up to the gas station. When I said it was the last warning, he finally co-operated with my commands.
Rule 19.1 standing on ragdolled bodies - Person stood on my body whilst it was in ragdoll on purpose, as he proceeded to walk on it for a longer period of time than someone doing it by accident.

Player ✪Clarkie broke the following rules outside of the video (no evidence, except for the people who he did this too as well):
Rule 1.4 insulting during OOC situations - Whilst trying to engage in an OOC VoIP with Clarkie about his FailRP during his firefighter roleplay, he called out racial slurs as well as homophobic slurs quite a few times.
Rule 9.6 roleplay your job accurately - Failed roleplay as a firefighter by jumping on my police vehicle multiple times and swinging his axe at my roof and door, demanding me to get out of the vehicle, and thus did not execute his job accurately.

Player Rozza F*cking Dozza broke the following rules in the video:
Rule 4.1 RDM - Player shot me without any single reason given (from me to him or him to me), as well as no warning given to drop my taser or a sort like warning. It was a simple running up to me; aiming at my head and pulling the trigger as soon as I moved an inch (as an impulse).
Rule 9.6 roleplay your job accurately - Player came up to me and shot me as a firearms dealer. He wasn't labeled as a 'criminal firearms dealer' in his job description, nor have I ever had any other firearms dealer shoot me down before. In my eyes this was a FailRP of his job, and thus the player did not roleplay his job accurately.

Player Rozza F*cking Dozza broke the following rules outside of the video (no evidence, except for the people who he did this too as well):
Rule 9.6 roleplay your job accurately - Player joined with player ✪Clarkie in the FailRP during the firefighter job. They both jumped on my vehicle, and hit it with their fireaxe, demanding me to get out of the vehicle. Thus not roleplaying their job accurately.

The evidence can be found uploaded as a video on this website:

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 2, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, Wesley Lawrence.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: 2x PR | ✪Clarkie/Rozza F*cking Dozza - Obay - Jul 2, 2016

Dealt with.