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Rdm to loot stuff - Printable Version

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Rdm to loot stuff - _Temos_ - Jun 28, 2016

Name of PlayerBig GrinANEL


Server: EvoCity

Time: 19:30

Summary: rdm as a officer to get my stuff


- Limelight Gaming - Jun 28, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, _Temos_.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Rdm to loot stuff - _Temos_ - Jun 28, 2016

im sry the name is* |DANIEL

RE: Rdm to loot stuff - [C-G]DANIEL 5 - Jun 28, 2016

Hi i do not think I should be banned because that video did not show me picking up the gun and I also didn't pick it up, I also shot your mate because I saw him with an assault rifle and he was try to break you out of handcuffs with a lock pick also he turned around and was about to shoot me because the person in handcuffs said behind you. I clearly don't see why i should get banned for shooting your friend once in the head because i was doing my job responding to a shoot out.

RE: Rdm to loot stuff - Soviethooves - Jun 28, 2016

From the evidence provided, it shows a very logical reason for DANIEL to open fire. From his point of view, you are 2 masked men hiding from police in the middle of a firefight. Responding to a firefight and immediately running into a masked individual with a possible weapon is a very high risk scenario. Although it was a little bit of excessive force to use a lethal weapon, DANIEL could have called a Paramedic to assist. The only reason he died was due to the recorder stepping on Temos. Police kills do not drop equipped items.

RE: Rdm to loot stuff - XShai123 - Jun 28, 2016

(Jun 28, 2016, 10:41 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: From the evidence provided, it shows a very logical reason for DANIEL to open fire. From his point of view, you are 2 masked men hiding from police in the middle of a firefight. Responding to a firefight and immediately running into a masked individual with a possible weapon is a very high risk scenario. Although it was a little bit of excessive force to use a lethal weapon, DANIEL could have called a Paramedic to assist. The only reason he died was due to the recorder stepping on Temos. Police kills do not drop equipped items.

he was standing and looking at him. my friend temos didnt move because he was under fearrp and he didnt expect from him to shot and execute him. there was no reason to shot

RE: Rdm to loot stuff - Soviethooves - Jun 29, 2016

(Jun 28, 2016, 10:57 PM)XShai123 Wrote: *involved*
he was standing and looking at him. my friend temos didnt move because he was under fearrp and he didnt expect from him to shot and execute him. there was no reason to shot

I understand that he was under FearRP and yes the use of lethal was a bit excessive, but at the time of this, in the heat of a firefight, with a suspect DANIEL just witnessed was armed, with other officers firing in the distance, it can bring about thinking of a fast resolve. This was not RDM as DANIEL had no intention to kill temos, but to subdue. The only thing that lead to his death was you stepping on his ragdolled body. 

Unless you have anything else to say in 4 hours, this will be denied.

RE: Rdm to loot stuff - Soviethooves - Jun 29, 2016


Although DANIEL used excessive force by using his firearm, the situation set the speed for his thinking. At no point could it have been to steal gear, because government kills do not drop equipped items.