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Report on Fallen Sirius - Printable Version

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Report on Fallen Sirius - Notinuse123321123 - Jun 7, 2016

Name of Player: Fallen Sirius

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69858237

Server: V33X

Time: 00:31

Summary: I was told that he had shot someone as anarchist, so I was telling him to reverse into the parking-spot, as I was going to search him. He refused, broke FearRP.

EDIT: Here you can see him shooting a box that I throwed away, after a guy put it outside nexus. It ends up with him hitting me, talking to me as if I was the stupid one.


- Limelight Gaming - Jun 7, 2016

Thank you for your player-report, WillyVodka.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

RE: Report on Fallen Sirius - Siriusgaminghd - Jun 7, 2016

I did not see the gun, as i was in first person and it was blocked by the hood, And i just felt that I would test to see if the box had a bomb. I know I know, stupid idea.

RE: Report on Fallen Sirius - Notinuse123321123 - Jun 9, 2016

How can the hood block the view of a person? And I repeatedly said I was going to search you, and even ran with you when you started driving.

RE: Report on Fallen Sirius - Obay - Jun 13, 2016


Due to the nature of this case, the player did in fact break fearRP, you used a form a communication to to warn the player of your intentions and you were not always in a location from which his view was obstructed by the hood.

Not only that, but the player Siriusgaminghd only drove away as you pulled out your weapon in a attempt to slide past the application of FearRP.

Case concluded, a 1 day suspension will be applied.

Thank you.