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My unblacklist request - Printable Version

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My unblacklist request - [$umm] - May 15, 2016

Your Name: [NRG]Inbex

Issued by: [L²:M] Jono

Blacklist ID: 66263

Server: v33x evo

Why should you be unblacklisted?: becuse it was an accident i dident mean to and i ran after hitting him
to escape cops (thats why i changed car color) u can see i reversed and stuff like that to park then i
 accedentaly hit that guy i had a gun (gali) on me too and i was an anarchist

Evidence: Skip to 2:45

RE: My unblacklist request - Jono - May 15, 2016

Good day Inbex,

As your video itself shows, in the period between 2:57 - 3:07 you had enough opportunity to make a request for a paramedic.

I also fail to see why you would park up next to the police station (nexus) if you were running from police? So why would you be in fear of the police enough to run after killing someone, but obviously not scared enough to park outside nexus? From this sole point ,your argument is invalidated.

If you have anything else to add, please do so.

RE: My unblacklist request - [$umm] - May 15, 2016

I was runing from police after i hit him i dident want to get arrested

RE: My unblacklist request - Jono - May 15, 2016

Your own evidence has made it  clear that you were not desperately fleeing the police. For nearly a minute prior to the CDM, you were almost stationary outside of the nexus. I can't see why a fugitive would do they if they're fleeing from the police?

RE: My unblacklist request - [$umm] - May 15, 2016

i feelt safe after changing color and i also had an ak47 i wasent so scared at that time

RE: My unblacklist request - [$umm] - May 15, 2016

and also if u wonder i pulled that gun on the red/orange merz becuse he rammed me earlier (not before i died last time)

RE: My unblacklist request - Jono - May 15, 2016

Closing notes,

You ran over Andromeda with your car whilst self admittedly parking up outside the nexus. As a fugative, it begs the question as to why someone escaping from police, would go to the area where the most police are.  You had also been virtually stationary in the middle of the city for over a minute whilst supposedly being chased.

You then use the argument as to why you didn't stop as being that you  didn't want to be arrested, despite intending to park outside the nexus in the first place. Furthermore you had at least 10 seconds in which you could've made a /request, or at the very least apologized in local OOC. You did not see any police cars in the immediate vicinity, and of the ones which you could see, you chose to drive straight towards them.

You did not stop, and you could of. You did not call a medic or apologize, and you could of.

Unblacklist request denied.

RE: My unblacklist request - Safira - May 25, 2016

Denied as per Moderator's decision.