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RE: Happy Pride Month - Dan - Jun 14, 2019

I find it ridiculous that veterans get one day of recognition, but a whole ass month is given to people who have sex with the same gender. If y’all lgbbq people want to feel accepted and normalized, why do you need to make it such a big deal that you have sex with all types of people. Keep your dicks to yourself.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Welker - Jun 14, 2019

I think alot of people don't realise that many gay people do not support the "LGBT movement" nor pride, myself included. 

It's just that the louder individuals get noticed more. Most ordinary gay people I know want to just be left alone and want nothing to do with it. Sadly pride and LGBT has grossly misrepresented gay people, as you can see in pride events most of the weirdos come out of the wood works and strange obscure fetishes are portrayed as being a normal thing for the entire demographic. Though many use being gay as their entire personality and a tool to draw attention.

To me it's comparable to feminism. Feminisms at its core was for equal rights and a great thing however the radical individuals hijacked the movement and tainted it with borderline extremism. 

I cringe at pride. I can be proud of being gay without stupid events misrepresenting me or being dragged into a movement i do not support. But hey, I'm just a humble man with an opinion.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Lord Octagon - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 12:09 AM)Eddie Wrote:
(Jun 6, 2019, 02:24 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: "Keep it in your pants" is the exact motto I'm arguing for, thanks.
How are homosexual relations a sign of lust? A relationship is based on love no matter of what or who you are. If the purpose of sex is procreation then why were condoms invented or the pill? I respect you, but I do not respect the opinions that you have stated as they are floored.

Pope Pius XI's Casti connubii issued the position that intercourse is intrinsically tied with procreation and that artificial contraception is immoral. It also affirmed, however, that natural contraceptives such as having intercourse during periods of infertility in the menstrual cycle or complete infertility after menopause is moral "so long as the intrinsic nature of the act is preserved".

This teaching was affirmed in more detail in Pope St. John Paul II's Humanae vitae. Furthermore, Pope Benedict XVI stated in Deus caritas est that the fullness of a person is achieved by a unity of soul and body, but neither spirit nor body alone can love, only the two together. If this unity is broken, if only the body is satisfied, love becomes a commodity.

So if relations between human beings are committed without the intent of procreation, or otherwise during periods infertility for a "cultivating of mutual love" between a husband and wife in Holy Matrimony (see natural family planning), then yes - it is lust not love.

So, not sure why you brought up contraceptives as something that 'floored' my argument because the Church's teaching is against the use of artificial contraceptives. What makes homosexuality a sin is lust and the act of invalid intercourse. Intercourse is for procreation - a homosexual couple can never procreate - and cannot be separated from the Sacrament of Matrimony, a sacrament that only a man and a woman meeting the other requirements can receive. That is my position, try not to straw man.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Decay - Jun 14, 2019

I honestly dont know if @Lord Octagon‍  is memeing or not at this point

RE: Happy Pride Month - Montyfatcat - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 03:02 AM)Bambo Wrote: wtf,

pls follow rules and respect each other and also each other's opinions yes?

this thread from what i gather from the first post is to increase awareness for the fact that it's pride month and also celebrate it with others, lets not stray from the OP thnx?????????

@Montyfatcat‍ if you want you can ask an admin to move this thread to serious discussions to save it from mega-trolling

Yes please, and delete anything you deem necessary

RE: Happy Pride Month - Montyfatcat - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 08:35 AM)Welker Wrote: I think alot of people don't realise that many gay people do not support the "LGBT movement" nor pride, myself included. 

It's just that the louder individuals get noticed more. Most ordinary gay people I know want to just be left alone and want nothing to do with it. Sadly pride and LGBT has grossly misrepresented gay people, as you can see in pride events most of the weirdos come out of the wood works and strange obscure fetishes are portrayed as being a normal thing for the entire demographic. Though many use being gay as their entire personality and a tool to draw attention.

To me it's comparable to feminism. Feminisms at its core was for equal rights and a great thing however the radical individuals hijacked the movement and tainted it with borderline extremism. 

I cringe at pride. I can be proud of being gay without stupid events misrepresenting me or being dragged into a movement i do not support. But hey, I'm just a humble man with an opinion.

I don’t mind the parades, they’re quite inclusive and at least in Manchester the skimpiest you get is from drag queens. What I hate is the people who, like you said, use it as a personality trait. There’s a difference for me between pride and being a cunt. Pride for me is saying “Hey, let’s celebrate our rights” and I don’t care how long pride is, a day would be fine for me.

As for Dan’s veteran argument, all a veteran has to do is go out in uniform of some sort and there’s a good chance people will praise them. Whilst their situation is shitty, they’re recognised universally as a symbol of rights and justice, except for ANTIFA who everyone disregards anyway.

Also, Octagon, just let people love each other please? It’s not like we’re forcing a cock inside you so why do you care? Let us do us, and you do your Jesus stuff.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Zaidplays - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 04:12 PM)Decay Wrote: I honestly dont know if @Lord Octagon‍  is memeing or not at this point
Ive never seen him "meme" so i think hes literally being serious. ngl he kinda has a point but at the same time "Bible bashing" was asked not to happen so....

RE: Happy Pride Month - Lord Octagon - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 04:12 PM)Decay Wrote: I honestly dont know if @Lord Octagon‍  is memeing or not at this point

I'm not 'memeing' - just giving my view on the topic. Don't really see how anything I've written is a meme.

(Jun 14, 2019, 04:46 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote:
(Jun 14, 2019, 03:02 AM)Bambo Wrote: @Montyfatcat‍ if you want you can ask an admin to move this thread to serious discussions to save it from mega-trolling

Yes please, and delete anything you deem necessary

If you're moving it to serious discussions, I believe my views augment such discussion and should not be removed.

(Jun 14, 2019, 04:52 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: Also, Octagon, just let people love each other please? It’s not like we’re forcing a cock inside you so why do you care? Let us do us, and you do your Jesus stuff.

I can reverse that exact argument and use it. In any case, the Church takes on the role of guiding and informing consciences, explaining the natural law, and judging the moral integrity of the state, thereby serving as a check to the power of the state. In the West, there is religious freedom (and that is supported) but we have no problem banning polygamy even though some religious permit it, simply because it contradicts our traditions and morals. So my view on the subject stems from Church teaching - my Catholic faith is not a private affair.

(Jun 14, 2019, 04:57 PM)Zaidplays Wrote:
(Jun 14, 2019, 04:12 PM)Decay Wrote: I honestly dont know if @Lord Octagon‍  is memeing or not at this point
Ive never seen him "meme" so i think hes literally being serious. ngl he kinda has a point but at the same time "Bible bashing" was asked not to happen so....

I'm not "Bible bashing" considering my argument isn't based on sola scriptura, rather Church teaching. "Bible bashing" is a term reserved for evangelical protestants - and actually we Catholics are victims to being "Bible bashed" on every single doctrine we hold dear to. I'm giving my view on the topic thanks.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Dan - Jun 14, 2019

Y’all are throwing your sexuality in our face just as much as octagon is throwing the Bible in yours. I can’t go on any social media for 5 minutes before I see a hairy gay man wearing a banana hammock on Hollywood Blvd. in front of a family.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Lewwings - Jun 14, 2019

If this really is a discussion thread, both sides of the discussion must be respected, otherwise it becomes a mere echo chamber of one-sided ideas, and we don’t want that now do we, Monty?

RE: Happy Pride Month - Zaidplays - Jun 14, 2019

I think this thread should just be closed. It only gets worse from here.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Montyfatcat - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 09:03 PM)Zaidplays Wrote: I think this thread should just be closed. It only gets worse from here.

I just wanted to wish people a happy pride and then the religious lot come in waving their cherry-picked scripture about

RE: Happy Pride Month - Zaidplays - Jun 14, 2019

(Jun 14, 2019, 09:10 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote:
(Jun 14, 2019, 09:03 PM)Zaidplays Wrote: I think this thread should just be closed. It only gets worse from here.

I just wanted to wish people a happy pride and then the religious lot come in waving their cherry-picked scripture about

Yeah but here at limelight we can't have nice things like a topic without people putting in their Religious Opinions etc.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Daley - Jun 14, 2019

Whilst discussion about this topic is fine in my eyes. This thread was originally intended for other purposes. Thread closed. Feel free to create a new thread might you want to discuss this topic.