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BR on Clementio - Printable Version

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Re: BR on Clementio - Suarez - Sep 29, 2015

I changed my post to comply with the other posts i posted after. Not trying to cover anything up, i genuinely thought it was on 0 energy.

Re: BR on Clementio - Clementio - Sep 30, 2015

Going off to sleep then work. Back in around 20 hours.

Re: BR on Clementio - Safira - Sep 30, 2015

Case has been reviewed and approved.
Player in question will receive a minor Police blacklist of 45 minutes.

Closing Notes: Evidence from logs and thread replies deemed sufficient evidence to show that you raided, warranted and searched for:
[19:22:59] [L²:RP] Clementio (STEAM_0:0:110911589) said: .// i hear ur meth
[19:23:53] [L²:RP] Clementio (STEAM_0:0:110911589) said: .// heard ur meth. i will raid.

Whilst the drug lab could well have sounded, no evidence proving this has been given and the reason for arrest regarded 'meth' - something which is not illegal under perma-laws and thus is deemed as an invalid arrest reason; due to this I will also be refunding $35,950 to the player Suarez as his meth equipment was wrongfully destroyed.

If you feel this blacklist is unjust and have sufficient evidence to prove so, please make an unblacklist request.

[L²] Safira