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Happy Pride Month - Printable Version

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RE: Happy Pride Month - Montyfatcat - Jun 1, 2020

Fucking hell, this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME I make an innocent post about the month. Drag it over to discussions for a discussion, I just wanted to make a snarky remark about how corporations will pretend to give a shit for a month.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Dick - Jun 2, 2020

So. I think Pride Month isn't needed but I understand why It is a thing. The fight for the rights to express who you are with the events of such as legalising Gay Marriage as an example. People do take Pride Month to a whole new level. We don't need a month. We don't really need a day, but to have a day to remember what was politically fought for is something I can get behind.

Now with that out of the way, Time to post some memes about Pride Month.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Maveric - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 1, 2020, 11:36 PM)Brin. Wrote:
(Jun 1, 2020, 11:30 PM)Faustin Wrote: I should probably point out, I am in no way anti-LGBT I just disagree with them having an entire month to celebrate, when others who have arguably done more for society do not get anywhere near the amount of recognition

Why bother posting? It was a statement not “what do you think?”. I agree with you that other groups have done more for society. If you care so much raise awareness for them, support them, encourage them. You are one of the reason I fucking love pride. Guess what, I fucking deserve a month dedicated to people who have died so that I can comfortably be out in my community. I deserve to enjoy who I am around people like me. I don’t have to worry about abuse. A month is right. The LGBT makes up a large percentage of people. Like me and other people have said MULTIPLE times, no one celebrates it for the whole month, cities do one weekend. Even if it was fully celebrated for a year how does that affect you? I’d love to know. Why do you, and others, always have to post things that are against the majority. Seems like you just love being annoying.

You say its  not a discussion yet you replied to everyone who gave their opinion and had a go at them. If you want others to respect you and your sexuality dont rage at them. People like you are exactly why many hate pride month, because people like you wont listen to what someone has to say, you just rage back at them and call them annoying. Cheet at least is respectful and actually converses with people and points out sources, you just rage. If you want to change peoples opinion on pride month all you have to do is respect those who dont feel that a month is validated. Treat others like you'd like to be treated.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Eddie - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 01:05 AM)Dick Wrote: So. I think Pride Month isn't needed but I understand why It is a thing. The fight for the rights to express who you are with the events of such as legalising Gay Marriage as an example. People do take Pride Month to a whole new level. We don't need a month. We don't really need a day, but to have a day to remember what was politically fought for is something I can get behind.

Now with that out of the way, Time to post some memes about Pride Month.

Look at previous posts about why it is important. like I said just because you don't see a reason doesn't mean their isn't one.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Ocelotus - Jun 2, 2020

happy pride month everyone!! 🌈 kinda sad that there likely wont be any pride parades because of corona and the protests Sad

RE: Happy Pride Month - Brin. - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 01:56 AM)Maveric Wrote:
(Jun 1, 2020, 11:36 PM)Brin. Wrote:
(Jun 1, 2020, 11:30 PM)Faustin Wrote: I should probably point out, I am in no way anti-LGBT I just disagree with them having an entire month to celebrate, when others who have arguably done more for society do not get anywhere near the amount of recognition

Why bother posting? It was a statement not “what do you think?”. I agree with you that other groups have done more for society. If you care so much raise awareness for them, support them, encourage them. You are one of the reason I fucking love pride. Guess what, I fucking deserve a month dedicated to people who have died so that I can comfortably be out in my community. I deserve to enjoy who I am around people like me. I don’t have to worry about abuse. A month is right. The LGBT makes up a large percentage of people. Like me and other people have said MULTIPLE times, no one celebrates it for the whole month, cities do one weekend. Even if it was fully celebrated for a year how does that affect you? I’d love to know. Why do you, and others, always have to post things that are against the majority. Seems like you just love being annoying.

You say its  not a discussion yet you replied to everyone who gave their opinion and had a go at them. If you want others to respect you and your sexuality dont rage at them. People like you are exactly why many hate pride month, because people like you wont listen to what someone has to say, you just rage back at them and call them annoying. Cheet at least is respectful and actually converses with people and points out sources, you just rage. If you want to change peoples opinion on pride month all you have to do is respect those who dont feel that a month is validated. Treat others like you'd like to be treated.

I’ve been respectful and said what pride is about. But for some reason y’all can’t read? I’m not raging I’m stating what pride is about and why it is important just like you folk are saying why it isn’t important, even though you aren’t apart of it and don’t understand what it means to the LGBT community but pop off sis

RE: Happy Pride Month - Eddie - Jun 2, 2020

It's come apparent that people don't understand the point in Pride so I am going to try and explain it. 

In June 1969 their was the Stonewall Riots in New York. The riots occurred because the Police kept on raiding gay bars. As the riots progressed an international gay rights movement was born. 

51 years later we have still don't have equality. 

8 countries still have the death penalty. 
72 countries criminalise same-sex (45 for woman).
More than 50% of the worlds LGBT+ population are not protected by workplace rights.
A quarter of the world believe that being LGBT should be a crime. 
(2016 figures)

Now let's look at Sport:
70% (7 in 10) Football fans who have attended a match have heard/witnessed homophobia on the terraces.
66% (7 in 10) of LGBT people felt that there is a problem with homophobia and transphobia in sport and this has acted as a barrier for them to partake. 
12% (1 in 8) of LGBT avoid going to the gym of participating in sport because they fear being discriminated against or harassed. 
(2012 and 2017 figures)

At School:
50% of LGBT pupils hear homophobic slurs frequently/often at school.
45% of LGBT pupils (including 64% of trans pupils) are bullied for being LGBT in School.
20% of LGBT pupils have been taught about safe sex in relation to same-sex relationships in school. 
(2017 figures)

At Work:
35% of LGBT staff have hidden that they are LGBT at work for fear of discrimination. (I am guilty of this)
18% of LGBT staff have been the target of negatives comments or conduct from their colleagues because they are LGBT. 
12% of trans people have been physically attacked by customers or colleagues in the last year (2018 figures)

These are UK Statistics.

Here are some useful links for you to follow to find out more information:
Stonewall Riots -
Stonewall UK -
Young Stonewall UK - 
Office for National Statistics -
LGBTQ Rights Milestones Fast Facts (USA) -

RE: Happy Pride Month - Tom* - Jun 2, 2020

Can we just all  not argue for once...

Happy Pride

RE: Happy Pride Month - Jen - Jun 2, 2020

I'll continue to do my thing and you can do whatever you want. Doesn't affect me in any way, enjoy yourselves whenever and wherever. Tbh I've always felt that people from the LGBTQ+ community tend to be friendlier than those who aren't. Sadly this movement hasn't been accepted all over the world yet, seems like people just don't want changes in society as well it's easier for things to stay the same than accept new changes.

Just stay safe out there, as well some people can't keep their hands to themselves on topics like this :/

RE: Happy Pride Month - Brin. - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 12:43 PM)Stell90 Wrote: I'll continue to do my thing and you can do whatever you want. Doesn't affect me in any way, enjoy yourselves whenever and wherever. Tbh I've always felt that people from the LGBTQ+ community tend to be friendlier than those who aren't. Sadly this movement hasn't been accepted all over the world yet, seems like people just don't want changes in society as well it's easier for things to stay the same than accept new changes.

Just stay safe out there, as well some people can't keep their hands to themselves on topics like this :/

This is how people should respond.

RE: Happy Pride Month - pufitee - Jun 2, 2020

pride month, every day resembles a made-up gender

RE: Happy Pride Month - Eddie - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 02:54 PM)pufitee Wrote: pride month, every day resembles a made-up gender

RE: Happy Pride Month - Montyfatcat - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 02:54 PM)pufitee Wrote: pride month, every day resembles a made-up gender

I mean the whole concept of gender is made up.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Maveric - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 03:14 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote:
(Jun 2, 2020, 02:54 PM)pufitee Wrote: pride month, every day resembles a made-up gender

I mean the whole concept of gender is made up.

RE: Happy Pride Month - Taylor - Jun 2, 2020

(Jun 2, 2020, 03:14 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote:
(Jun 2, 2020, 02:54 PM)pufitee Wrote: pride month, every day resembles a made-up gender

I mean the whole concept of gender is made up.

Gender has no meaning anymore, I can indentify as a toaster and that's socially acceptable?

There are two sexes, you are either male or female.