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Re: MEGA Corporation - Mr Doc - Sep 11, 2015

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Mr Doc

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:61661230

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 204+

How many RP points do you have?: N/A

How many bans do you have?: 1

How many blacklists do you have?: 0

Real Age: 15

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: Aaron

Middle Name: Doc

Surname: Harris

Age: 27

Nationality: British

Date of Birth: 1988

General Information

Previous occupations: Presidential Private Security Guard, US Navy

Rank/positions in said employments: US Navy = Commander

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: Yes

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/LL name): BasicallyMental, Ranger

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: Well I would like to sign up to this corporation mainly due to the fact that I believe MEGA are the future. With this in mind I'm not just thinking to myself that this is just some other job application this is a massive corporation that leaves a powerful legacy behind it, and I don’t just want this in my life… I need it. It’s also a very professional firm that I can see myself working at and pushing myself to perform in ways I never even dreamed off.

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: Well that is a terrific question and one I can explain in detail. My skills aren't just mandatory, they are rare gifts. Gifts that I have worked hard to achieve and develop. I don’t just do my work that is set and send it on, I evolve it and make it something more. Without boring you too much with the details, I shall write a small paragraph to emphasise why you should pick me over someone else:
•I am an independent worker that can also work well in a team. Self-motivated and goal driven are two keys words that describe myself and it’s all true. My communication skills are also very special as I absorb things very well and take it on improving my skills

What division are you applying for?: Operative

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:  Well the role that I am applying for is rather perfect for me actually. I say this due to my previous experience in the role itself. I was actually a member of the Presidential security team for a long period of time where I learned the tricks of the job in a high professional manner, I was trained by the very best. However I was not put straight into this role, I had to undergo some elite training as part of the US Navy where I earned the rank of commander, a huge success in my eyes but of course I still wish to push myself to greater things.

Re: MEGA Corporation - Barkles - Sep 11, 2015

[Image: bWdgMGf.jpg]

Dear all applicants, and employees

Thank you for your applications, we are processing them now. The planned date for interview is 7PM GMT+1 (BST) Saturday Please contact senior staff nearer the time to confirm this though.

As a side note to employees of MEGA. You will all be required to attend at The Mill for this time also and failure to attend without valid excuse will result in a punishment.

[align=center]Many Thanks,

[Image: knozslw.png]

(Ps Sorry for this. people were being general shits, stiffing me for pay, and busy week at college/ work Big Grin)

Re: MEGA Corporation - Vegas_ - Sep 26, 2015

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Vegas  (Old Mikkel [DK])

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22651573

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 30

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 0

How many blacklists do you have?: 0

Real Age: 16

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: Cole

Middle Name: N/A

Surname: Jackson

Age: 29

Nationality: American

Date of Birth: 04/02/1986

General Information

Previous occupations: Self running Construction business

Rank/positions in said employments: constructer/Architect

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: Yes

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/LL name): /

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: Im applying because, I think that the MEGA Corporation can give me a lot of new experience and help me improve my Building skills

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: MEGA corporation should choose me as I feel as though I can use my expertise and knowledge from my management role and apprenticeship and put it to good use to benefit this organization to its fullest.

What division are you applying for?: P&D

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: i have a Little experience in transportation and delivering, but that was a hole other business. However i have a lot more experience in Building, i have been constructing alot of stores and houses, ones i helped the goverment renovate there firestation, and that turned into a huge sucess.

Re: MEGA Corporation - Barkles - Sep 26, 2015

Now we're back i'll work on something cooler soon

Re: MEGA Corporation - Brynn - Sep 28, 2015

[Image: bWdgMGf.jpg]

Dear fellow Employees.[i][b]

Here at MEGA Corporation we take pride in the work we do! We show our pride by spending our well earned money on certain Operations and tasks.

As Vice President of MEGA Corporation, I'd like to inform all of you we are spending some of our money on our latest Project/Operation. [b]Operation Caution. As you can see, from the pictures I've attached to the file, this is a large Operation, which plans to restore the old railway.

[align=center][i]Many Thanks,
                                Dave Hole, Vice President.

Re: MEGA Corporation - WinterOak - Oct 10, 2015

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [L²:RP] WinterOak

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65476341

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 55

How many RP points do you have?: 1 REP

How many bans do you have?: I did have one 1 requested ban but I think it was removed from record.

How many blacklists do you have?: 0

Real Age: 14

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: Kugo

Middle Name: N/A

Surname: Togonami

Age: 25

Nationality: Chinese

Date of Birth: 5th October 1990

General Information

Previous occupations: Firefighter

Rank/positions in said employments: Standard Firefighter

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: No

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/LL name): Brynn - Dave Hole    Barkles - Jeff Barkinsaw

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: I need a new career, firefighting isn't the best job to be in. I only work part time as firefighter as not many people call up about fires anymore therefore firefighters aren't needed as much. I feel MEGA corporation will be a better career.

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: As having the strength from training in the FD:EC I would fit perfectly in. I can lift heavy items and soon grasp training of weaponry fast.

What division are you applying for?: Operative

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I do not have any experience in weaponry yet I am a fast learner, whereas I have much experience in lifting heavy objects.

Re: MEGA Corporation - Barkles - Oct 11, 2015

thank you applicants we are now reviewing you all


Re: MEGA Corporation - Brynn - Oct 19, 2015

[Image: bWdgMGf.jpg]

Dear people of MEGA Corporation, I'm proud to announce that our newest trainee to the Corporation is Kugo Togonami. After a very long telephone interview with him, I'm glad to say I was very impressed with his attitude and his skills.


Welcome Kugo Togonami!

Re: MEGA Corporation - aStrandedBanana - Oct 19, 2015

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [L²:RP]UnknownIcicle

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43210208

How many hours do you have on the servers?: Apparently 46, Thought I had a lot more...

How many RP points do you have?: 0... Sorry

How many bans do you have?: 0

How many blacklists do you have?: 0

Real Age: 15

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: James

Middle Name: Kyaskov

Surname: Renn

Age: 26

Nationality: Russian

Date of Birth: 28/7/1989

General Information

Previous occupations: Russian Military, Private Military, American S.A.S. Force

Rank/positions in said employments: Commander, Tactician, Captain

Experience of management/leadership: Yes: Commander and Captain for Army, Tactician in Private Military. Leading men to battle in all 3

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/LL name): Possibly Rocket

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: I feel like MEGA will be a great place for a fellow like me to settle down. I've been looking for a place where someone of my ability could be useful, and I have finally found it. I really feel like this place could be invaluable to me

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: I have a very high amount of experience for someone my age. I have years of tactics and patience as well as determination.

What division are you applying for?: Operations

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes, as stated before

Re: MEGA Corporation - Barkles - Oct 24, 2015

Thank you For your application, we will contact you today with information about an interview

Re: MEGA Corporation - Brynn - Oct 24, 2015

[Image: h3VWcV5.png]

Dear MEGA Employees and General Public,

I come here to announce a large project, the team have been working on.
We have recently invested a lot of money in developing a new property for MEGA.
Here are some photos.

Many thanks,

Dave Hole, Vice President.

Re: MEGA Corporation - aStrandedBanana - Oct 24, 2015

I'd like to withdraw my application, sorry.

Thank you for your time

Re: MEGA Corporation - Brynn - Oct 25, 2015

[Image: h3VWcV5.png]

Hello fellow employees, we ask all of you very kindly to attend our meeting at Downtown Road at 8:00PM. (33x)

Also if you have applied for MEGA please feel free to come down to our base of operations and have an interview!

Many Thanks,

Dave Hole, Vice President.

Re: MEGA Corporation - Barkles - Oct 25, 2015

[Image: h3VWcV5.png]

Good evening all,

We were planning to have a meeting tonight and speak with applicants, however just as we arrived our alarms sounded and we were forced into "Operation Strike" our emergency operation that launches MEGA's Elite Strike-force to combat world threats. We arrived at the nexus finding the garage collapsed with word of civillians inside. The team entered and found their way into the main atrium of the nexus jails. We made contact with the president and soon found ourselves protecting the city against an unknown threat.

No sooner had we armed up a massive explosion occurred and the roof fell further. The team rushed to the aid of the government who were fighting against a noxious gas. We braverly fought an unknown non-human threat until an explosion forced us back. we found ourselves stuck in the cafe and a new threat appeared. at this point we grabbed our only photo of the operation.

After helping all involved we arrived on the surface.

Normal operations will resume soon.

[Image: mg3QEcd.jpg]

Many thanks,

Steve P Mayhem.

Re: MEGA Corporation - Chosen - Oct 27, 2015

Gold luck looks nice!